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Mar 14, 2016

G.O.B. to Invest in Expanding Ocean Academy

Manuel Heredia Jr.

On the occasion of a beach reclamation initiative, the Minister of Tourism Manuel Heredia took the opportunity to comment on an issue of education. It involves the rapidly growing Ocean Academy, the only high school on Caye Caulker. The minister says that G.O.B. is finally assisting with the expansion of the high school. 


Manuel Heredia Jr., Minister of Tourism

“Very shortly, you will see also the expansion of Ocean Academy. We are acquiring some land behind the new waste management plant and we’ve allocated three point something acres for the expansion of Ocean Academy and that will be done through the Ministry of Education. And we are hoping that we can start before this year is completed. So again it is an initiative that will be government/Ocean Academy rather than having a totally government college over here. We believe that there is a later complimented and at that time, government will be paying for all the teachers that are now teaching. At this point I think it is two or three that they are paying but at that point they will be paying for every single teacher that Ocean Academy has. So again we are investing in the future of our children. Education is the backbone of any community or any nation and we have to have our youths well educated and this is a testimony of what we believe can help our children.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “G.O.B. to Invest in Expanding Ocean Academy”

  1. Morgan Carrasco says:

    I’m glad that Government is FINALLY stepping in to assist the school, but isn’t it a health concern for everyone if the wind is blowing from East to West, sending all that garbage scent their way?! They should have stepped in to secure the land that the Social Security Board had/has across from the airstrip. Regardless of the noise, it would be much healthier and closer to the beach. Hopefully they can find a way to build it in such a way so that there is little to no garbage scent for both students and staff alike.

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