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Mar 17, 2016

Is BTV to Blame for Heightened Tension in Sarstoon?

The conference held by Foreign Minister Elrington was delayed because the Belizean delegation spent much of the afternoon briefing Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Opposition Leader John Briceño. But we can tell you that the Belize Territorial Volunteers was in the spotlight for much of it. Every area of government has maintained that the cause of any aggression in the Sarstoon can be put squarely on the shoulders of the civilians who periodically travel to the Sarstoon to assert sovereignty – something they say the government has failed to do. The position remained the same today.


Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“I am on record as saying that as far as I am aware, personally we never had these problems until the territorial volunteers started going there. The first time this thing got out of hand, the group went down down…captain did not know what he was doing; strayed over the Guatemalan side and then strayed back into Belizean waters. But there was no real hostility; I think they said they dealt with them with a view to prevent them from drowning because of the overloading of the boat. But the subsequent incidents were the first time that I could recall in modern times that I saw Guatemalan gunboats out there waiting for people. I had never seen that before. So I indicated to the reporter that I am not aware of the report that he is talking about. But from my own personal knowledge, I don’t think at any time I saw the Guatemalan boats out there like when the last time they heard that Wil Maheia was going there. That’s my knowledge.”


Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington


“Sir I have a saying that says that no one person holds the repository of information regarding any issue. The question was, is there a disconnect? For example if the B.D.F. would hear that to your personal knowledge or to the prime minister’s personal knowledge, there has been no such incident, yet the B.D.F. sits on a report that has close to ten different incidents. Is there a disconnect, was the question, between the B.D.F. having the information and yourself as the foreign minister or the prime minister not having the information? So you are making personal recollections that there have been no such incidents, but the B.D.F. sits on reports that show there are repeated incidents. The question is, is there a disconnect in information?”


Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington

“If you have ten incidents in sixteen years by people who go up a river every day…ten incidents in sixteen years and none of it fatal, neon of it…that’s remarkable. That’s absolutely remarkable. But let me read what the Guatemala has said on the same issue—my C.E.O. has drawn it to my attention—and I’ll read it for you. This is Guatemala’s position: it is worthy to note that if the positions maintained by both governments are different, the good level of understanding reached by both military authorities have prevented incidents in the areas from occurring. The inconveniences that have recently taken place are due to the irresponsible stands taken by Belizean civilians who purport to resolve the territorial, insular and maritime differendum through provocation.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Is BTV to Blame for Heightened Tension in Sarstoon?”

  1. Belizean Pride says:

    this man is really a shame for us Belizeans and less worthy of doing his job, why cant we make a referendum to kick him out of his place and put someone with guts to deal with this issue much better. For long we’ve seen political people come with the excuse “to my knowledge I don’t know nothing you are talking about”or “i have not seen the report” then what the %^&*%%^^ are they doing in their office. Are they just sitting there? why is that they always not informed properly. If he went to a meeting of that rank why did he go uninformed of the facts of guat military aggression?
    Jeez mein this people just pisses us badly.

  2. Belizean Pride says:

    to add up It’s not the BTV to be blamed, they are trying to bring out to the public the truth our gov has lamely decline to confront. Since they have no guts to do it they turn to blame them for stirring the soup of their unattended problem we face today and the future. BTV has the right to go there and show patriotism in the south in the north with no problem. the problem is the gov. not doing there job to secure our borders from foreign aggression professionally as it should be.

  3. frontline says:

    Honestly,Sedi or what so ever his name is he is nobody for Guatemala,he hold press conference and tell the world the other side of the story and behind the people back he is worried of what will happen to him.Man this is a shame an disgrace to the people of this nation,he talk about what he hears reaching to his ears in his office,he have no clue about what is going on on the ground.The BTV are not to blame its goods that they keep the nation inform becuase if its not for their info we would be sitting on our ass and living on our hand to mouth and waiting for Petrocaribe to finish up and then the murder rate increase again. we have no clue what is happen at our borders,Guatemalans are having fun reaping what we always say is ours and yet its not us benefiting from it. I can see why the Guatemalan are kicking our ass out because will all the illegal activities they ahve been doing in that area is just a point to mention here..the rose wood the mahogany the cohune cabbage that they have been extracting by the hundreds..then we expect our military to do the best when when they don’t even have food to eat,starving aot our borders,not even booths to wear??and then go begging, this is a shame on the Government of Belize…Guatemala wish to do as they please because they know we are the parrots,while they are busy doing and feeding on our soil…WAKE UP BELIZEANS ITS TIME TO STAND UP AND BE ON THE FRONTLINE AND DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY..

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