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Mar 18, 2016

Sedi Defines Provocation in Sarstoon Context

Wilfred Elrington

Minister Elrington maintained throughout the briefing that Belizean and Guatemalan diplomat politicians have been mature and responsible. The hard line has also been that military to military there’s absolutely no problem – peace all around. The only problem in the entire equation – the end all and be all – seems to be the Belize Territorial Volunteers. So much of a problem, in fact, that Guatemala has formally condemned the expedition of the BTV in the Sarstoon as provocation. Elrington explained the nuances of provocation.


Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“As soon as I landed in Washington I like to read the China Times or the China newspaper and they were talking in relation to the problems they have in the South China Sea and the whole issue of provocation. They perceive the activities of the Americans going in there as provocation. They gave an example of what could constitute provocation giving rise to problems between people. They say if a man comes every morning at eight and stands in front of your house and starts to look into your main doorway…every day he comes there…after a few days you’ll get tired of him. He’s causing you provocation. He’s free to do that you know. It’s a free country. But which one of us wants a man to come in front of their house every day and stare into their house. So provocation is caused to different people in different ways.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Sedi Defines Provocation in Sarstoon Context”

  1. Joe says:

    Time for a change Barrow, this minister has to go, he is totally out of sync, with what is going on. Makes you the PM looks like an ass

  2. Steve says:

    Guatemala is blaming the BTV as an excuse, and Sedi is following their game, paid with a downpayment or unpaid. Common sense tells me to believe the BDF leaked report and Mr. Shoman’s perspective, since he is the most learnt in this issue and is talking sense.

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