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Jul 1, 2016

Don’t Blame It on the PUP, Says Briceño

The arbitration award will continue to dominate conversations for the next little while, perhaps escalating even, as people begin to recognize the enormity of a four hundred million dollar debt, two hundred million of which must be paid within a week. The total cost for the acquisition of B.T.L. is actually five hundred and fifty million, more than half a billion dollars. The Prime Minister has said it is a victory, he has no regrets and has taken the route of blaming the PUP for an eleven-year-old Accommodation Agreement. The Opposition has said that’s rubbish and maintain that neither they nor Lord Ashcroft can be blamed for this half a billion dollar mess.


John Briceño, P.U.P. Leader

John Briceno

“It is because of the Prime Minister’s hubris and arrogance and spitefulness that now we are saddled with five hundred and fifty million dollars. Mr. Ashcroft didn’t go to Barrow and tell him take over B.T.L. and pay me five hundred and fifty million dollars. It is that Dean Barrow decided on his own that he is the biggest man, he is the baddest man on the block and took over the company and then after so many years of them benefitting – certain people close to the Prime Minister have collected millions of dollars, you know that. They are the ones that benefitted. Who benefitted? Mr. Ashcroft benefitted, Barrow and his cronies and family benefitted, and we the Belizean people have gotten stuck with the bill. The next point I want to make is that the Belizean people have already doled out their punishment on us. We lost the 2008 elections, we lost the 2012 elections and we lost the 2015 elections. So you can’t continue to beat us on that. The people have already ruled on that. You need to move on. It is Barrow that created this problem and because of his foolishness and incompetence and hubris and arrogance we now have to pay five hundred and fifty million dollars plus interest running for a company that’s valued one hundred million dollars. So you can’t blame the P.U.P. for that. You need to blame Dean Barrow and the U.D.P. Government. That is where the blame lies.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Don’t Blame It on the PUP, Says Briceño”

  1. MNHG says:

    Ay Mr. John Briceño, mein… you dI go aan like you no see I mi get mi lee ham fu xmas, A mi hav fu vote fu him, and next thing , da mi paaty , we you wan we do ?
    Why you too rough wit me lee boys them? You no hea “THE BEST IS YET TO COME” ?
    Slow it down Mr. John Briceño, you wa cause pressure pan mi lee boys dem heads !

  2. steven says:

    I have said it before, PM Barrow, you will be remembered in the History of Belize!! Your true legacy will be the First PM to bring the Belizean Economy to its knees. (I think we are there already and finally media houses are giving this urgent matter due attention) Now here’s the sad part, you who is reading this and me who is writing it, we both have worked hard to prosper personally and to have our family and communities prosper… only to be slammed back down to the floor because our elected officials choose to line their pockets. Now the most saddest part is, if you took money to vote UPD or if you voted UPD for the love of the party… you guys along with all PUP’s and those who do not involve themselves in politics, A L L of us will suffer the consequences. Sadly the best is yet to come!!! By the way, both parties in my opinion have contributed to where we are, I take no sides in this issue.

  3. Belizean Pride says:

    my best to cent is to let barrow party win again to make them pay the bills so that who so ever stays in place make sure ends meet. It;s true don’t blame the blue mr. barrow, you have benefited and you family a lot from this case and continue too. While I burst my arse every day and even might grand children will to pay that amount in taxes because of your arrogance. Where is Better is yet to come? I don’t like the blue cause they did the same but come on you promise not to e the same and it’s true you are worst than them. mein.

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