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Jul 1, 2016

ACP Chester Williams Responds – Stop Talking and Start Helping

ACP Chester Williams

Those comments have not been taken well by those on the ground doing the interventions. Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams struck back in his own unique style.


ACP Chester Williams, Commander, Eastern Division South

“As it relates to that criticism and wherever it came from, I want to say – I really and truly would not want to dignify it with an answer, but let me just say that when people who don’t know what you’re doing say things, the best you can do is to ignore them and pretend that you don’t hear their comments. I don’t know if that person knows what an intervention is, or what the components of an intervention or mediation are, but as far as I am aware, interventions are situations where you bring two parties to a conflict together and you try to as best as you can to intervene between them to prevent the problem from escalating as the case may be. So for them to suggest that you do interventions with people’s head covered, I really and truly think that is nonsensical, honestly, and again if they think that they can do better than what myself and my intervention team have been doing, then I welcome them to do it. This doesn’t need the Police to initiate things like this. Anybody who thinks that they can do better than what the Police have been doing or think that they can assist in the situation to try and curb the violence in the streets, they can walk the streets of Belize City and see how they can intervene or interact with these young people who are involved in these different feuds and try to assist them. But to sit behind a desk in an office like a fortress and all you do is criticize those who are trying, then…”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “ACP Chester Williams Responds – Stop Talking and Start Helping”

  1. Kay says:

    Bravo Chester! Proud of you for taking the bull by the horns…even if you get a lot of negative criticism for trying..the credit is that you are trying. Wish more parents of these wayward teens would intervened in their children’s lives when they were toddlers then they wouldn’t have to be burying their children and going on the news bawling their eyes out swearing that their kids were good kids. Had we had interventions way back some twenty years or more ago when it felt a little safer walking Belize City streets we would not be in such a mess.

  2. Belizean Pride says:

    or Mr. Chester why don’t gov do a social cleansing with the gangs and we get rid of them totally instead of too much talking of intervention like what El Salvador is doing which has reduce the amount of deaths in a big rate since the iron claw has been put. What you think about that instead of being nice to this scums of society because i feel some are not marginalize but it’s a choice of life for them.

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