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Jul 4, 2016

Fatal Road Traffic Accident in Toledo District Claims the Life of a Woman

A deadly collision involving a pair of vehicles in the Toledo District claimed the life of a young woman on Sunday evening.  The accident which occurred approximately fifteen miles from Punta Gorda Town, left several persons, including Wendy Valdez, seriously injured.  Upon impact she was violently flung from the vehicle she was traveling in and was mortally injured.  The driver of the other vehicle, who has been identified as Lionel Longsworth, reportedly lost control of the Toyota Camry he was driving and collided with the oncoming car.


On the Phone: ASP Clement Cacho, O.C., Punta Gorda Police

“On Sunday, the third July, 2016, about five-forty p.m., information was received of a traffic incident on the San Antonio road, not far from the San Marcus junction, which is approximately fourteen miles from Punta Gorda Town. On arrival at the scene, police found a grey in color Toyota Camry on the right hand side of the road when traveling from Punta Gorda Town to San Antonio. The vehicle was approximately five hundred and fifty-five feet off the road in bushes. The motionless body of a woman was seen approximately thirty-one feet from the vehicle. Initial investigations reveal that about five-thirty p.m., on the third July 2016, Lionel Longsworth, thirty years, Belizean bus conductor of Punta Gorda Town address was traveling en route to Big Falls village in a Toyota Camry when he lost control of the vehicle. Wendy Valdez, twenty-three years, data entry clerk of Stann Creek district was thrown from the vehicle. Her sister Astrid Lopez, seventeen years, Belizean student was trapped inside the vehicle. Lopez is presently in a critical condition at the hospital. Longsworth was admitted for observation. The vehicle is insured with Atlantic Insurance. Longsworth was in possession of a valid driver’s license; however, we still need to verify if the vehicle is license. The body of Valdez awaits a postmortem examination; urine sample was taken from Longsworth and a notice of intended prosecution is yet to be served upon him. The investigation is ongoing.”


According to Assistant Superintendent of Police Clement Cacho, Longsworth has since been served with a notice of intended prosecution.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Fatal Road Traffic Accident in Toledo District Claims the Life of a Woman”

  1. Robert says:

    Another stupid bus driver- so what if he has a licence? He still probably can’t read and surely can’t drive anything

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