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Jul 8, 2016

San Pedro Returns to Normalcy After Devastating Fire

At around midnight on June twenty-seventh, a fiery blaze virtually swept through an entire block of San Pedro Town, a densely populated area on Pescador Drive. When the fire was finally extinguished hours after, eleven buildings had been totally destroyed and seven partially destroyed. Eight businesses were affected, along with eighty-eight persons in thirty-four different households. The gravity of the situation for those left without homes, possessions or income was met with a monumental response from residents and organizations not only on the island but countrywide. The last update released by the San Pedro Emergency Operations Committee on Thursday indicates that up to date, all the persons affected by the fire have been provided lodging by hotels, with some choosing to stay with family members and friends instead. According to the release, quote, working in collaboration with various agencies, NEMO ensured that all thirty-four households received mattresses, table-top stoves, butane tanks, hygiene kits, blankets, towels, clothing, food for up to six weeks and two weeks shelter at various hotels, end quote. In addition to that immediate priority assistance, the San Pedro Lions Club and Red Cross managed to raise over two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollarsto assist the families. In closing, the EOC advises that NEMO will continue to work with the families affected through relevant agencies to conduct further assessments.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “San Pedro Returns to Normalcy After Devastating Fire”

  1. Rod says:

    This is what happens when you have an incompetent pm and gov. Imagine one fire truck working this is disgraceful where is all the tax money going to check the mayors staffs bank accounts and you’ll see where all the tax money is.

  2. CEO says:

    The mistake was made many, many years ago; decades ago, when the island developed. There was no holistic development plan for the island. How could we expect to have that much density with mostly or many wooden structures mixed in and not expect that when a fire breakout there will be major property loss. Even if there was the best functioning fire trucks they cannot drive down the very narrow streets. In Belize we do not learn from the mistakes of others; we keep doing the same things and expecting different results. This is a lost opportunity! We crammed 10 pounds… in a 5 pound bag!

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