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Jul 11, 2016

Head of Mission Says All Expectations Were Met

Deon Sutherland

Going into the CODICADER games, there were serious concerns about Belize’s ability to successfully the host the respective Central American countries.  Those expectations, says Sutherland, were all met.


Deon Sutherland, Head of Mission, Belize

“Well definitely the overall expectations were met, you know, in terms of the hosting; I mean we pulled it off.  You know, with only a few months to pull off something like CODICADER is big.  Secondly, I believe our success, not only for the kids but Belize on a whole was grandeur because, you know, when I go to meetings in the morning, you know, the heads of mission would say good job.  We had few complaints about anything, the officiating, the hotels, the food, the whole tournament itself was really a success for us.  What did stand out was the number of parents that came on this trip, you know, in terms of on their own, and so it left Belize with a very good eye and an outlook for Central America and these games.”


Isani Cayetano

“Was there any particular team from either of the participating teams who dominated in all the disciplines?”


Deon Sutherland

“Well, no.  But I must say for example in volleyball, basketball, Panama was the strongest team in those two categories.  But overall, I believe because of the level, for example, you know in volleyball, it must be three touches before the ball goes over the net.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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