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Jul 11, 2016

CODICADER Games Conclude

The annual CODICADER games concluded in Belize over the weekend, after several days of competition in various sporting disciplines.  With several venues across the country hosting games simultaneously, local organizers were busy coordinating the events.  When it was all said and done, the experience for Team Belize and the National Sports Council was invaluable.  Notwithstanding severe budgetary constraints, the hosting of the visiting teams went fairly smoothly.  Belize’s performance, on the other hand, was equally notable.  According to Head of Mission Deon Sutherland, despite the obstacles Belize’s national team did very well.


Deon Sutherland, Head of Mission, Belize

“Overall it was very challenging but yet it was very good for our athletes.  In basketball, the males got second.  Panama [placed] first and the males got second so that was a good outing for them.  The females did not do so well, they ranked fifth out of the six teams.  In volleyball, we got second for both the male and female.  In football, again we did not fair off so well.  I think the male got third and the female got fifth and in table tennis, out of the four categories I believe we had three categories won.  Again, I must reiterate though that this was not so much in terms of first, second and third place but for the ranking, you know, but every child got the same medal.  So it was, again, a participatory event, however, on paper you still have to rank who came first, who came second and who came third.”


Isani Cayetano

“With regards to football, what does that mean for us as a country, in terms of either putting together a program that would develop these young talents at an earlier age to be able to compete in CODICADER?”


Deon Sutherland

Deon Sutherland

“Well I think it goes both ways.  As you know, the National Sports Council is the one who organizes primary school sports and so it means that they would have to look at the program, look at the policies they have concerning secondary school and then see if they would make some changes for CODICADER.  It’s very difficult because then you don’t want to eliminate a lot of your student athletes.  When you start to change the age range that’s what you start to do, especially for your local championships.  So they will have to look at it and determine what they want to do.  As far as the national federation is concerned is that they will have to definitely try to assist with more Mundialito tournaments, five-a-side, seven-a-side because that in itself will then help the primary school program and so when that develops then you’ll see us stronger in CODICADER.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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