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Jul 20, 2016

Was Russell Blackett a Regular at Casa de Danny Mason?

Perhaps the explanation of the Police reticence in grabbing Mason for two months seems incredible because high-ranking Police officers seemed quite comfortable and cozy on that very same property. By now the picture of GSU Commander Mark Flowers hugging Mason on that very property has gone viral. Today, we asked about Flowers’ presence there, as well as allegations that senior Police officers are even now driving vehicles recently donated to them by Mason. But first, we asked Blackett pointblank if he was one of the regulars at the Mason home.


Russell Blackett, Acting ComPol

“I went to his home to view, to see the location, to spot it out for the purpose of our ongoing investigation since last year as I mentioned in the press conference.”


Russell Blackett


“Sir Mr. Mark Flowers is the head of the GSU. He is perceived as the leader of one of the Police Department’s best tactical units. Couldn’t he have provided you all with intimate details as to the layout of the building seeing as how you have been there and so that you could have launched your raids if any were to be planned and acted with swiftness? Some say that you all could have prevented the murder of Mr. Llewelyn Lucas.”


Russell Blackett

“Some murders can be prevented. Like I said, the visit of whatever officer in reference to that location is one thing. When we do certain investigations it is on a need to know basis. Everybody in our department is not privy to what we are doing. Like in every other family you have children you can trust and those you cannot trust. We as the head must look at these things not because we actually have information or evidence that someone is involved with illegal persons…persons of criminal intent, but we have something that is posted in the department orders every so often that you must not associate with persons of questionable character, of criminal character, and this is something that we have to look at. We have our code of conduct, our code of ethics and anybody who falls along the wayside it’s solely on them, not the Ministry, not the Commissioner of Police, solely on that person.”



“Sir we have some information that there are some high ranking officers who were gifted with vehicles and are currently driving vehicles given to them not personally but given to the Police Department by Mr. Mason. Could you confirm that for us?”


John Saldivar

Russell Blackett

“I would not know where you got the information from but if so you bring it forward and we look at it.”


John Saldivar, Minister of National Security

“I am not aware of the part in terms of the vehicles and Police officers driving vehicles gifted from him. You’d have to investigate that. But in terms of people who have known Mr. Mason and people who have socialized with Mr. Mason I think we all understand just as I have said – I am sure they are as angry as I am in terms of the fraud that that gentleman has played on all of us. We did not know of his past and so many of us, many persons including the two that you have mentioned I guess were befriended by him. Unfortunately we feel duped, we feel that we have been betrayed but what can we do? We did not know of his character until now.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Was Russell Blackett a Regular at Casa de Danny Mason?”

  1. ems says:

    Like I said… Hon. John Saldivar, ACP Blackett and Supt. Flowers got to go, either removed from office, early retirement, or fired. Whenever you hear any individual using the phrase” like I said” over and over, something is not right with what is said. As professionals they need to be transparent and clearly state/repeat what was said.

  2. Fran says:

    sooo disturbing — but even more pathetic is Saldivar’s arrogance in pretending that his involvement with Mason doesn’t impact the credibility of his office and his position as Minister of National Security. Saldivar is the main player and if the people remain passive and bury their heads in the sand and allow Saldivar to remain in office, then they are equally to blame for Mason’s actions.

  3. Hatari says:

    They liked his dirty money though and now it’s time to dance!

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