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Jul 20, 2016

Was Mason Protected by Law Enforcement?

Dean Barrow

So, did Mason act with impunity because he may have been protected by higher-ups in law enforcement?  Here’s the prime minister’s response to that question.


Prime Minister Dean Barrow

“There can be no business of the man having gotten any kind of protection which allowed him to continue to pose a threat to public safety while the police knew that he constituted that sort of a threat.  Nobody knew, as far as I can determine, as I indicated, I did get a report maybe three weeks ago about his having kidnapped the Mennonite couple.  I immediately called the Minister of National Security, called C.E.O. Lovell and I was told, well, the Mennonite couple left the country, did not make any report to the police.  That was the first, as far as the officials are telling me, that there was any suggestion that this man is more than a conman and again, the husband, in terms of that couple, was in a business relationship with him and it seems the kidnapping occurred as a consequence of their having fallen out.  The allegation from the Mennonite is that the man gipped him and when he tried to request an accounting this is when that sort of thing happened.  But he left the country, he reported to his Spanish Lookout community who told an official of government who came to me.  I immediately acted upon it but the people said he is gone obviously in fear for his life, will not make any report to the police so there was nothing the police can do but at that point certainly, the question of surveying this guy came into play.  That was three weeks ago.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Was Mason Protected by Law Enforcement?”

  1. ems says:

    Misinformation, disinformation, disclaimers etc. and downright denial appears to be the order of the day with PM Barrow. More transparency needed in the GOB. What kind of role models are these individual portraying for the young people in the jewel? Apparently, the youth of the jewel are caught up in a daze and a haze. Our future in the jewel appears dismal, to say the least.

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