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Jul 20, 2016

Minister of Police Attempts to Clarify Delay in Arresting Mason for Kidnapping

John Saldivar

Deputy Prime Minister Faber was able to enjoy drinks at Mason’s home on June seventh because police were investigating a serious allegation of kidnapping against him, but never picked him up. At a press conference Monday, Acting Commissioner of Police Russell Blackett explained that going onto his property would be tricky so they waited for the opportunity to get hold of him off the property. It’s an explanation which didn’t quite seem believable. Today Saldivar clarified an explanation of sorts.


John Saldivar, Ministry of National Security

“I don’t think that is what the Police has said and I don’t know if anybody has explained it properly. What was explained to me by Mr. Blackett is that they preferred to apprehend him outside of his home, fearing that if they went to the gate which was at least two or three minutes to get to his home he could have done whatever he needed to do in terms of hiding any evidence in his possession or in the home. So they didn’t want to be sighted by him going into his property, so that everything that is there that would be evidence would be preserved. I think it has turned out to be the right decision, because now that they have been able to visit the premises without him having the opportunity to hide everything the evidence has been uncovered.”



“Sir while it has worked out in that particular area, someone lost his life because the Police waited a while.”


John Saldivar

“I wouldn’t want to put the death of this gentleman on the Police. That would be most unfair. We know that the gentleman had been working with Mr. Mason and whatever fallout they had I don’t know if the Police could have prevented that by any actions. What has happened now is that we were able to incarcerate him, we were able to get him jailed and we are going to prove our case against him. Previous to that I don’t know if the Police could have been expected to do any better than they have done.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “Minister of Police Attempts to Clarify Delay in Arresting Mason for Kidnapping”

  1. Ali BaBarrow, chief thief says:

    That is correct, going onto Mason’s property is actually a different country like a embassy, we sold him that when he got the birth certificate. There are international extradition laws that must be followed. You would not understand, trust me.

    It will come out, Lucas said some ugly things in the Country of Mason. It is tough law when you hurt people’s feelings.

    Next question….

  2. ems says:

    Minister Saldivar should remove himself from this very crucial investigation, likewise, ACP Brackett should be removed for his mis-steps and mishandling of this investigation. Both of these gentlemen have apparently loss credibility as public servants. Apparently, they are not being transparent or truthful in their association and dealings with Mason.

  3. ems says:

    Minister Saldivar should removed himself from this investigation, likewise ACP Blackett who has failed to carry out his responsibilities as a Public servant and chief investigator of this very important case. Actually, ACP Blackett shoud be fired.

  4. carlos says:

    That is how the police in Belize works. They wait until somebody is killed to act. What a sad thing of our country. The police should be the one to protect us from danger, from anyone harming the people and yet they do nothing; and worst, when a minister in charge of the police department believes otherwise. Very incompetent minister. I still can’t believe how our Prime Minister have this person in charge of the security of our country.

  5. Joe Blank says:

    It is my sincere hope that the Americans have the goods on some our Cabinet Ministers. It is the only way to shell-shock the system and bring us back to square one. Belize has been on a disastrous post-independence trajectory. People like Faber, Saldiver, Barrow, Max Samuels, Said Musa et. al are synonymous with everything that has gone wrong. Belize has become the Ultimate Gangster hideout and the evidence is there for the naked-eye to see: 1) Tier Three in Human Trafficking 2) Asterisk on Transparency International 3) Delisting of Major Banks 4) Recurrent Passport Scandals.

    A sense of impunity is entrenched among the UDP Elite: No matter what the scandal is: We will survive. So Loretta Lynch, if u have something, anything, please do us a favour and take one or two of these SOBs and save our nation.

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