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Jul 20, 2016

Did Patrick Faber Throw John Saldivar Under the Bus over Mason’s Introduction?

So the Police knew about Mason’s past since last year. And the conman slash extortionist slash kidnapper has been under active investigation for a violent kidnapping at gunpoint of Mennonite Lloyd Friesen and his wife for two months. Yet, Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber has admitted that on June seventh, six weeks ago, he was at Mason’s home for celebratory drinks. He has also admitted that he was introduced to Mason by Saldivar, who has come under fire for his relations with Mason. Saldivar explained that he doesn’t feel that Faber threw him under the bus because they can’t exactly hide the fact that they associated with the now accused murderer.


John Saldivar, Ministry of National Security

“I don’t think we can hide form that fact, and I have not tried to hide from the fact that I knew Mr. Mason and had dealings with him and had business with him in terms of my football team and have socialized with him. I have not tried to deny that fact and indeed Minister Faber and myself and another Minister had visited him on one occasion last year, but I certainly do not take that to mean that any of us knew of his illicit activities or condoned it.”



“Is there a bit of concern, and I’m not referring to you personally, but there are Ministers who used to go to this man’s home and it has been revealed that he had a very extensive surveillance system. I am asking because Minister Faber has said that he went to have congratulatory drinks. This man’s business again seems to have been extortion. Is there some concern over what the Police may uncover that was recorded in that home?”


John Saldivar

John Saldivar

“I certainly do not have any concerns about what he may have recorded of me, and I’m sure…I think I have to put in a plug there for my ministers from what I know of them and that nothing untoward took place in any of those visits to his home. We were befriended by him. We thought he was a genuine businessman and it turned out that he wasn’t, but in the meantime we did have encounters with him.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Did Patrick Faber Throw John Saldivar Under the Bus over Mason’s Introduction?”

  1. Ali BaBarrow, chief thief says:

    This is why we kept Penner around, the Penner-Mason connection should be looked at.

    Patrick, John, Hulse are far too important thieves to let go.

    A seasoned scapegoat is needed, someone the public hates.

  2. carlos says:

    I am sure these ministers knew of Mr. Mason’s deals. The police top brass would have briefed Mr. Saldivar on this matter but the minister might have thought that Mr. Mason will never be discovered.

  3. Hexx says:

    show me your company and I’ll tell you who you are.

  4. Hatari says:

    Time will tell

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