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Jul 20, 2016

Surveillance Footage Captures Abduction of Men from Intelco Hill

There are more details tonight of the kidnapping and gruesome murder of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas coming from the Minister of National Security, the Police top brass as well as the Prime Minister. He along with two other pastors, David Dodd and Alves Wright went to the Belmopan house of William Mason where they were blindfolded and transported to his farm at mile thirty-one on the George Price Highway. Police earlier today confirmed that there is video footage which allegedly shows the kidnapping of the three men on Friday, including Lucas who was decapitated shortly after. Incredibly, the footage was taken from a sophisticated surveillance system set up at Mason’s house. Today, Acting Commissioner Russell Blackett would not confirm if the footage shows the actual decapitation, but he did verify that they were able to identify the five perpetrators who are now behind bars on charges of murder and kidnapping.


Russell Blackett

Russell Blackett, Acting ComPol

“This is a very thorough video and at present our experts at the Police Information Technology Unit are reviewing and again they have been doing that since Saturday morning and all through yesterday. I myself took a look at it and I am convinced that yes, these people acted callously and from what I have seen it shows that the conspirator definitely is in place.”



“Sir can you explain to us if this video shows clearly the faces and identifies these five suspects beyond any doubt?”


Llewellyn Lucas

Russell Blackett

“This is an identifiable video. The investigator himself pointed them out by face as they moved about preparing the vehicle and placing the kidnappers and the deceased inside that truck. I have been doing investigations in the north mainly at the time when it was known as Rambo town and yes I have seen some gruesome murders, but not like this of late. The preparation and the calmness of the perpetrators, how they acted leads me to wonder what was in their minds.”



“Sir was Pastor Lue alive when his head was cut off?”


Russell Blackett

“Well I do not know. I know he was taken from the house alive. And as the investigation says he was stabbed before he was decapitated. I don’t know…our investigation teaches us that we cannot say if he was dead. It is the pathologist. We can only say apparently and I cannot say if he was dead when he was decapitated.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Surveillance Footage Captures Abduction of Men from Intelco Hill”

  1. Mike G. says:

    Hope they get this one right.

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