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Jul 21, 2016

A Mother of Seven Needs Your Help to Cover Cost of Heart Surgery

Deborah Frazer

Thirty-nine year old Deborah Frazer is also asking for assistance. In April of this year, the mother of seven children was diagnosed with a heart condition and is in need of urgent corrective surgery. With the assistance of a team of doctors including Doctor Adrian Coye, on Sunday Frazer says that she will be undergoing surgery to replace two valves in her heart. But the process, which will be done at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, costs six thousand dollars. Today, she is asking the public to assist her in financing her life-saving surgery.


Deborah Frazer, Suffering from Heart Condition

“I never thought that it was something serious, but it is bad; I have two valves damaged and the doctors say that they need to do a removal and replace with a mechanical valve that will last for a lifetime and won’t give any problem.”


Duane Moody

“Now you said that you were diagnosed before Easter of this year. What were some of the symptoms that you were experiencing?”


Deborah Frazer

“Well I was experiencing a lot of tiredness at work; I was even like falling asleep…like by the time I sit down, I gone. And I does find myself got a lot of short of breath, but I neva mi di follow it up. weh really trigger the whole thing was that I had bad headaches and I thought it was just headaches and I was taking pills and pills and it neva go. And that’s when I feel like I wanted to faint and go from myself and I decided to go right at the Public’s Clinic to do just the pressure checkup. And that’s when the lady told me that something was wrong with my heart; well the doctor told me that something is wrong with my heart and she said that she needed to rush me to the cardiologic center in Buttonwood Bay and that’s when they found out that two valves is damaged.”


Duane Moody

“Where will you be doing this surgery?”


Deborah Frazer

“It will be on Sunday; they will admit me on Saturday. The cost of the surgery is six thousand and I just come to ask if anybody could just support me and work me because I am not working anymore. I am a mother of seven children and it’s just me alone and if anybody just wish to assist, I will really appreciate it.”


If you would like to assist, you can contact Frazer at 623-7350 or 600-1092. You can also make deposits to Atlantic Bank account number 211-09-7819.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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