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Dec 1, 2020

NAC on a way forward to tackle HIV in Belize

Enrique Romero

So, how does Belize respond to those worrying H.I.V. stats? Romero says that it will take a collaborative effort to tackle this growing problem. He says the National AIDS Commission will lead the charge with a new plan that will employ new and proven methods that are being used regionally to address H.I.V. in Belize:


Enrique Romero, Executive Director, National AIDS Commission

“At the National AIDS Commission, the national response along with our partners, we are cognizant of this. Our strategic plan of 2016-2020 is up in 2020. We already have a consultant working on our new strategic plan and this new strategic plan is building on the lessons learnt; the gaps and the things that could not have been done in our previous strategy. We cannot continue as a commission to do the same things and expect different results. We have to keep up with the trends and changes in the region and globally, as well. When I talk about changes in modalities, we have to look at different service delivery models. We have to explore HIV self-testing which is being done in some countries already. We have to look at pre-exposure profelaxis – that is a model that is being piloted in other countries and evidence has shown that it can work. We have to look at things like assisted partner notification whereby I go in and get tested but I bring my partner as well. So, these are models that we have not yet been able to implement in Belize that some countries are already implementing and the results are great so these are areas we  need to look at in our new strategic plan. We have to do more and that is why the theme is very fitting, global solidarity, shared responsibility. The national response, we cannot end both pandemics – HIV pandemic or the COVID pandemic with the government by itself or the civil society by itself. It has to be a concerted effort by government, civil society; media houses need to play their role; the private sector has to play its role; faith base organizations have to play their role; and communities have to play a role.”


In the process of submitting Global Fund funding requesting. They were allocated almost three million dollars to tackle H.I.V. – funding request will be addressing these issues – testing, retaining, forty percent retention.


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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