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Dec 1, 2020

COVID-19 Contained at Belize Central Prison

C.E.O. of the Kolbe Foundation Virgilio Murillo told News Five today that the COVID-19 spread has been successfully contained at the Belize Central Prison. As much as one hundred and ninety-five cases of COVID-19 were recorded behind the prison walls. A lockdown was instituted at the prison and movement within the prison was highly restricted. According to C.E.O. Murillo, only fifteen prisoners remain active with the virus.


Virgilio Murillo, C.E.O., Kolbe Foundation

Virgilio Murillo

“Unfortunately you know the PCR test that we have done since the seventeen of November we are still awaiting the results from those. As far as my memories goes we had only received two additional positive cases out of all of those. I think we had done at least thirty five since then. But what I can tell you is right up to the seventeen of November we had done seven hundred and ninety three tests of which five hundred and forty three were rapid tests and two hundred and fifty were PCR tests. We can out with a total of a hundred and ninety five as positive. We have seen a recovery of a hundred and eighty two cases so far. So as we speak right now we are only grappling with fifteen cases, mostly asymptomatic as well. We have those guys in quarantine right now. I almost want to think that by today they are clean already but we had just retested them yesterday and the results are pending.”


Hipolito Novelo

“So you don’t expect any further spread at the prison?”

Virgilio Murillo

“No, no. By all indications it appears that we have it under manners now and we continue with all our protocols like I said the hand hygiene, social distancing, and the temperature check and all of these things. We continue to be rigid with those and we try not to let prisoners be mixing up with each other. So everybody is pretty much confined to the location. Movements in and around the prison is minimal.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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