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Jan 19, 2022

Safety Protocols for the B.D.F. Parade

Rogelio Ramirez

The official change of command within the Belize Defence Force will be held on Friday at Price Barracks. Since last week, the soldiers have been engaged in practice for the parade and the displays that will take place during a pandemic. Today, Acting Chief of Staff Major Rogelio Ramirez says that permission was requested from the Ministry of Health and Wellness and specific guidelines will be followed on that day.


Major Rogelio Ramirez, Acting Chief of Staff, B.D.F.

“We have reassured the Ministry of Health that everyone in attendance will be fully vaccinated. That’s even before we even start the parade. And once the parade is about to start, then we will have sanitization stands with masks, with alcohol and all these things so that the people coming in can sanitize and ensure that they are good to go. And if there is need for a change of mask, then we have that stand readily available. That’s when it comes to the parade. Of course the soldiers on parade, we are trying to, I wouldn’t say confine, but we are encouraging them to abide by the regulations. Stay away from people, wear your masks at all times – unless you are doing physical exercise then obviously you are to take off your masks. But we are encouraging our soldiers to abide by the regulation and to ensure that everybody is safe for the parade.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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