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Sep 1, 2011

Who will be the next Queen of the Bay?

With a long and rich history, the sixty sixth annual Queen of the Bay Pageant is set to take place this weekend. Every year young women across the country vie for the title of the oldest pageant in the Jewel. Accompanied by a chaperone they go on tours and train intensely for over a week before the pageant has distinct traditional features. News Five’s Andrea Polanco caught up with the hopefuls in one of their practice sessions.

Andrea Polanco, Reporting

The Queen of the Bay Pageant is the oldest and most traditional pageant during the September Celebrations. The symbolism of the pageant and history pulled out nine delegates from across the country to compete for the coveted crown:

Ronelli Requena, Queen of the West

Ronelli Requena

“Every year I try to challenge myself, the skills that I have and from what I have learnt from a very young age until now.  And the pageant is known for its eloquence and grace which is a challenge for me as well as a great experience.”

Andrea Polanco

“So tell me which part of the pageant are you looking forward to?”

Ronelli Requena

“I could definitely say the part of culture, the cultural piece.”

Andrea Polanco

“Awrite, so what can we expect from Queen of the West come the night of the pageant?”

Ronelli Requena

“Well coming from the west you can only expect the best and I’m sure I’ll make my hometown very proud.”

Indira Williams

Indira Williams, Miss Stann Creek

“I decided to be a member of the Queen of the Bay pageant because I want to motivate young women to let them know that they can do anything once we put our minds to it.”

Andrea Polanco

“Ok I know you guys have been practicing all week, for the past two weeks. Some have been preparing for months. What has been the most difficult for you?”

Indira Williams

“The curtsy. The curtsy has been the most difficult part for me because I’m not fit I haven’t worked out in a long time. Other than that I’m good.”

Andrea Polanco

“But come Saturday night I know you are going to nail that curtsy?”

Indira Williams

“Yes, I’m going to do my very best for Dangriga and for the south.”

Andrea Polanco

“So tell us what can we expect in terms of the talent, something grand or a big surprise?”

Indira Williams

“Well you’re going to expect something big, a grand big surprise that’s amazing, something really, really unique.”

The journey to the crown has been enlightening for the candidates, experiences that they will translate into patriotic pieces on stage:

Yolene Richards

Yolene Richards, Miss Radiance

“This experience has been phenomenal for myself. I’m young and I have never been involved in pageants prior. I don’t have any sisters, so living with eight other young women I’ve grown to appreciate being a lady.”

Andrea Polanco

“So tell me what are you looking forward to the most when it comes to the night of the pageant?”

Yolene Richards

“Have fun, and I guess no one comes into a pageant and wants to lose however, it’s an experience and to gain friendship and to gain knowledge of our own country.”

Elizabeth Paharsingh, Queen of the Bay Corozal

Elizabeth Paharsingh

“Well I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t nerve wrecking experience because never have I dreamt of something so great. Yes we have helped each other, have bonded together, especially me cause I am new to this. I’ve never been in the Queen of the Bay before.”

Andrea Polanco

“I know one of the most anticipated segments of the pageant itself is actually the talent. You care to share with us what you’re going to do on that night?”

Elizabeth Paharsingh


Andrea Polanco

“It’s a surprise?”

Elizabeth Paharsingh

“It’s a surprise.”

Andrea Polanco

“But it’s gonna be good?”

Elizabeth Paharsingh

“It’s going to be good. It’s definitely going to be good. I just hope that the Belizean people will like it.”

Andrea Polanco

Amanda Taylor

“Amanda, how excited are you about the Queen of the Bay Pageant?”

Amanda Taylor, Miss Barrier Reef

“Very excited. I’ve been looking forward to this for years now so it’s finally here, so I’m happy.”

Andrea Polanco

“Do you have previous pageant experience?”

Amanda Taylor

“Yes, I do.”

Andrea Polanco

“Awrite, so you’re coming into this pageant with a wealth of knowledge and you’re definitely going to make this work to your advantage?”

Amanda Taylor

“Well, yes you can say that. I will do my best.”

Shanine Ottley

Queen of the Bay Pageant Committee Member, Shanine Ottley says that the pageant will be grand:

Shanine Ottley, Committee Member, Queen of the Bay

“As you know that Queen of the Bay represents our emblem of freedom and symbol of love. So that is exactly what you will be seeing on Saturday night along with eloquence from the ladies, grace, poise, all of that you will get from the ladies.”

Reporting for News Five, I am Andrea Polanco.

The pageant will take place on Saturday at the Birds Isle at seven p.m.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Who will be the next Queen of the Bay?”

  1. Victoria says:

    Good luck to all you wonderful ladies, make Belize proud and keep the spirit of the tradition going

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