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Sep 6, 2011

Family of Michael Young doesn’t believe he was killed during a robbery

Michael "Ham" Young

A post mortem examination on the body of twenty-seven year old Michael Young, also known as Ham, was conducted this afternoon at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital.  According to a police press release issued on Monday, Young was shot multiple times in the right knee, left leg and behind the left ear when he came under fire from businessman Hong Ye Li on September third during a botched robbery at Hong Li’s Supermarket in Belmopan.  Young’s stepmother, who wished to appear off-camera, refutes the information in the release.  She states that her family strongly believes that Ham was not shot during the exchange of gunfire.  Instead they are claiming that he was arrested some distance away from where the incident took place and then later killed by Belmopan police.  This afternoon News Five spoke with his family outside of the KHMH morgue.

Voice of: Michael Young’s Stepmother

“We are at the hospital right now trying to witness the postmortem but they lock us out. We cannot see the wound he has in his chest because they don’t want us to see it.”

Isani Cayetano

“According to the police press release that was released yesterday, there wasn’t any mention of a wound to his chest. If I am recalling correctly, the wounds were to his lower body and one behind the back of the head either on the left or the right side. Can you explain the discrepancy there?”

Voice of: Michael Young’s Stepmother

“Well he have four gunshot wound: one to the right side of his ear, one to his knee and the next one in his feet and one to his chest that they don’t want us to see.”

Isani Cayetano

“At the moment, have you asked the hospital authority to actually view the autopsy or you just came here to see if they would oblige you otherwise?”

Voice of: Michael Young’s Stepmother

“They say we cannot see what they are doing inside.”

Isani Cayetano

“And they are trusting you to take the police’s word with regards to the injury on his upper left chest?”

Voice of: Michael Young’s Stepmother

“Well they told me if I didn’t trust the police, I said no.”

Isani Cayetano

“What have you been hearing otherwise though?”

Voice of: Michael Young’s Stepmother

“That they say that the police shot him. They say the police killed him.”

Isani Cayetano

“What exactly did you hear took place in front of Hong Li Supermarket on Saturday involving Ham?”

Voice of: Michael Young’s Stepmother

“Well I hear they went to rob the place and there was an exchange of fire, but from my point of view, the mother went and she said that she examined the place where this incident supposedly occurred. And she said that there was no blood trail, no nothing and when she went wherever she found the body; that was a far distance from where this thing occurred. So she is saying that if her son was shot there, there was no trail of blood, no evidence of any shooting until a mile away where they found Ham bleeding. She is saying when she went there, two guys told her that the police got Ham out of a yard, handcuffed him and took him. So how could he have been shot in the chest and behind the head and in the knee? How could he have run?”

According to the official account, on Saturday night shortly before nine o’clock Michael Young and two others, believed to be residents of Belize City, entered Hong Li Supermarket on Trinity Boulevard near the Ring Road in Belmopan where they proceeded to rob the store’s owners of several items including cash, cell phones and a computer.  Before they attempted to escape, they were confronted by Hong Ye Li and a barrage of shots were fired during which it is said that Ham, a known criminal, was mortally wounded.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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19 Responses for “Family of Michael Young doesn’t believe he was killed during a robbery”

  1. BMNJ says:

    Bottom Line: Whoever killed this worthless trash is doing the Belizean people a very big favor. Congratulations to our Belizean super hero, the ‘Criminal Exterminator’. I’m very proud of you and please keep up the good work!

  2. Storm says:

    Actually, it is normal police procedure to handcuff a suspect EVEN IF DEAD, because the police don’t make the determination a person is dead. They just put bracelets on to make sure he can’t do any harm to anyone.

  3. BZNinCALI says:

    Mami, please listen to yourself or read what you said. This man was killed while he was committing a crime. does it really matter who shot him? If he had killed his victim, would we hear that it was not him? Mourn the child you knew before he became a criminal & know that at least from this day forward, he is at peace & so are his victims.

  4. Rod says:

    Well this is what you get for thief .

  5. Islander says:

    This mothers are the reason ham is dead, up till his death they are upholding him in his nonsense! GOOD RIDDANCE now hand the Chinese grocer a box of ammunition to reload his weapon

    PARENTS SPECIALLY MOTHERS. If you uphold your kids when they are involved in crime , expect them to die a young violent death because that is the nature of a life lived in crime. YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT CRIMINALS RETIRING IN A PRIVATE VILLA SOMEWHERE they always end up dead IF NOT ASK PABLO ESCOBAR AND OSAMA BIN LADEN ABOUT IT! lol

  6. belizeanpride says:

    no surprise to hear your lame excuse mother, your son was not a law abiding citizen and for the community is a victory not a loss.

  7. deedee says:

    For every choice that you make, whether it be good or bad, there is always a consequence for it. Your family made the decision to go rob from hard working people who are trying to make a living. It might sound cold hearted but he got exactly what he deserve.

  8. Fed up Belizean says:

    I am so happy of what the Chiney man did. Even if it was the Police who killed that HAM BURGER but what i can say is that he took too long to Die. We as a Society are just tired and fed up with these criminals who are leaving the city to go out in the District to do their rubbish and feel like they will get away. What i can tell his family is regardless of who killed him but they must take into consideration that what if he was the one who shot these innocent chinese people who are working hard for a daily living…. Come on STEP MOTHER lets be real, you think that we are not fed up with these criminals like the step son you have raised. As a matter of fact you should be ashame of your self. I can see why you did no wanted to show your face on Camera. May He Rest in PEACE……………. George Street Next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Bgroovy says:

    Guarantee to cause no more trouble…next

  10. dc says:

    another one bite the dust……..Theif neva prospa The bullet neva bite..

  11. bzn2dabone says:

    Like everyone else, I may sound cold-hearted, but hey, life is real. Regardless of who shot him, I call on the authorities to issue a Medal of Heroism to the businessman who got our country rid of one more criminal. That’s how it should be done: one by one.

  12. chris says:

    This mother should have not even gotten an opportunity to talk to the media. Who the hell care who shot HAM. He got what he deserves…good riddance….hope she can educate the others she may have following this one.

  13. craboo girl says:

    This mother should not even be on TV talking…Who the hell cares who shot HAM. He got what he deserves…Good Riddance …he was a known criminal.

  14. Free Press says:

    the press has a responsibility as well, to be balanced, it is my opinion that toomuch air time is given to the allege criminals and their relatives to give their slant to the stories. no official version. same thing was done with the George St incident. the press needs to be responsible.

  15. A Jew says:

    Just another hoodlum off the street for good..

  16. Elgin Martinez says:

    Mr Barrow need to give the chinese man a purple Heart for wining the fire fight.

  17. alex says:

    if a crime is comitted whoever is the suspect is innocent until proven guilty police shouldn’t juss murder someone because they commit a crime thats why there is the justice system, anyone who commits a crime such as robbery should be given jail time. and to you guys attacking the mother remember you have mothers too and even if u were a known criminal or not your mother will be the one to care.

  18. indian woman says:


  19. forensic pathologist says:

    the governmet needs to hire 10 exmilitary men from any other central american country and clean up this country for good

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