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Sep 6, 2011

Owner of Galen University responds to WikiLeaks allegations

Louis Zabaneh

The Wikileaks cables did not only upset politicians, but they also struck a chord with the owner of a local university and prompted him to send out a press release.   The Chairman and President of Galen University, Dr. Louis Zabaneh said the cables contained false and unfounded statements about his acquisition of the university. The cable says that “The Zabaneh family is purportedly involved in a number of illicit activities including money laundering and drug smuggling. Over the last year, the family has made several large purchases including a regional airline (Maya Air), while allowing other businesses to fall into bankruptcy or foreclosure.” Dr. Zabaneh Met with the US Embassy officials today and has alerted Galen’s Faculty, Staff, local and international partners as well as students about the matter. In his meeting with the Embassy, he was informed that the United States Government is dealing with tens of thousands of cases all over the world and has therefore adopted a “no comment” approach for security reasons. Dr. Zabaneh shared with the Embassy the “Sale of Shares Agreement” he made with the original shareholders of Galen University for which payments are spread over a four-year period commencing in December of this year. He also presented enrollment numbers, a list of all present students; a list of present Faculty and Staff and the number of their dependents; and an email from the previous Chairman of Galen University in which he states that the U.S. Embassy was made aware of the transaction before the agreement was signed. And we repeat the private documents revealed by Wikileaks expressed opinions and not necessarily facts about a wide range of topics.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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22 Responses for “Owner of Galen University responds to WikiLeaks allegations”

  1. Storm says:

    Well, everyone knows the Zabaneh clan here in the Jewel, and we all know about its various business adventures, some successful, some not, some legal, some perhaps less so. The one thing that seems to link all of their adventures together is an unbridled love of money, which some say is the root of all evil.

    I have always considered Galen University to have been a legitimate private school, and hope it remains so. If not, I hope someone can buy it back and restore it in a few years.

  2. BZNinCALI says:

    If da noh soh, da naily soh. Come on guys, if you are going to hustle, spread the wealth, offer up some micro loans to your fellow Belizeans who come up with viable business plans. A little light is good for all of us, don’t be a greedy little piggies, at least pretend to give a spit & do your part to clean up the cesspool.

  3. Charlie Price says:

    If da no so…..da naily so…….

  4. rod says:

    wiki leaks only publishes what the us spy agency put out there so i wouldnt trust anything that comes out of the us embassy. this is why chavez chased them out of venezuela because they give alot of false information to suite themselves.

  5. Bgroovy says:


  6. Bgroovy says:

    It’s funny how these clowns run straight to the us embassy to explain what happen…..U got busted…

  7. dstudent says:

    hmmm… makes you wonder. Galen can’t give their students all of their grades because they have refused to pay the overseas lecturers, they are in a hurry to charge and they have a high turnover of staff. All these things make you wonder. I just want to get it over with and leave. Zabaneh cares only about money, his sweatheart student, and his pet coordinator.

  8. studious says:

    Typical… dats why some of his students haven’t received any grades. He owes his lectureres and cares only about money, his sweetheart student and pet coordinator. He lied he hasn’t informed any student about the wikileak.

  9. me says:

    LOLz, ayayay.

  10. D-student says:

    I am currently attending Galen University and its really disappointing to read all the negativities people are writing about the institution and it’s president Dr. Zabaneh. I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you especially to Dr. Zabaneh for awarding me with a scholarship which enables me to further my education in his institution. There are many other students, currently attending, who are also scholarship recipients. i would also like to say thank you to the staff and faculty for making Galen a unique place that is rich with knowledgeable , hardworking and dedicated individuals.

  11. current student says:

    Since i have been studying at Galen University for two years now, it is very disturbing to listen to these negative Wikileaks allegations being made. After seeing all the hard work that the Chairman and President Dr. Louis Zabaneh has invested into the university. Dr. Louis Zabaneh has increased the standards of Galen University and only hopes to deliver excellenc in education and integrity.

  12. wordtothewise says:

    Funny how the Galen PMBA press conference on the GIVE scholarship program only a couple weeks prior got absolutely no waves not even so much as a “good job’. This is the problem we have always had as Belizeans; we are quick to jump on the negative band wagon. Somehow we find it hard to see our country grow positively and to know that our Belizeans are receiving US level education right here in Belize.

  13. F...Student says:

    Attention to all….

    I am a current student here at Galen University for two year now and was employed by Dr. Zabaneh over the past few year, and i have known him to be a very honest, hard working and innovated person to his Business , School and peoples. He helps many people who can’t make it to school because of financial problem. Dr. Zabaneh has what he own not because of the foolishness that Wikileaks’ allegation made but because he dedicates himself to work hard and give overtime to Galen. Also he make sure that he provides all faculty, staffs and more important students with better needs and a safe environment. I more believe this is all politician and jealousy!

  14. Concern Belizean says:

    It is rather disturbing and lucrative to say concerning the allegations wikileaks have brought out against Dr. Zabaneh and Galen University. I believe that wikileaks is another site like wikepedia in which anybody can upload information. The person behind wikileaks is trying to scandalize the good name that Dr. Zabaneh has and ruin the reputation of Galen University….but IT WON’T HAPPEN! GALEN IS HERE TO STAY…N WILL REMAIN STRONG! People just accept what they see or hear as though they are reading the Bible. I honestly believe it is the Belizean culture in which we try to bring down others….this is the crab mentality. We need to get away from thinking that way…if we want to see Belize move forward. Why can’t we support a fellow Belizean who is trying to develop our country? Why can’t we be proud of all the positive actitivies that are presently happening in our society? The first to hit the news are always the negative events…why can’t the positive ones hit the news first? Galen University has many positive activities the faculty, students and staff are engaging in. There are the different clubs such as the Christian Club, the Environmental Club, the Student Life Club, the Sports Club and the Music Club. These are all new initiative that Galen students are engaging in. Also, Galen University is about providing the best education to its students. The professors are all qualified and dedicated to their students. The students are their first priority! Galen also gives back to the community in ways such as scholarships to those needy Belizeans who cannot afford a terteriary education. At Galen is where success happens…its all about quality. In addition, I have known Dr. Zabaneh for many years and he is a man of high integrity and great family values. He believes in educating the minds of our Belizean. He is dedicated to the university and the students. His fundamental value is ensuring that every student that leaves Galen has a strong foundation because they are all ambassadors of the university. Dr. Zabaneh has taken Galen University to a new level in delivering high quality education. It is wrong and sad to try and ruin the reputation of Dr. Zabaneh with false rumors. Dr. Zabaneh is a strong individual….he is a rock….he will persevere. I admire Dr. Zabaneh for all the positive work he has contributed to Belize.

  15. Aphro says:

    Opinions and more opinions. What are the facts? Where is the evidence? All it takes is one (set of) rotten potato(es) to spoil to whole 7lbs. Somebody please save us from ourselves – just soaking it all in because it is easier than lifting a finger to make a life for ourselves. Fly. Go Galen Eagles! Education. Envision the future – hardwork, determination – stay focused

  16. Elgin Martinez says:

    Are there anymore people with values living in the jewel?We’re definately living in the last days.

  17. Honey says:

    Allegations….allegations without any evidence does not stand in court. Get the facts before discriminating and ruining someone’s reputation. Galen is the #1 University that offers the best quality education. Go Galen Eagles!

  18. Educated Yarborough resident says:

    only education will set you free, and lift our people out of poverty. Galen University and Dr Zabaneh should be given all the support necessary. I for one applaud his efforts and encourage him to go on.
    Last week the Gatemalans found out that during the 1950’s an AMERICAN university Doctor used 2500 Guatemalans as human guniea pigs infecting them with syphilis . let th US ambassador write about that to Washington…..

  19. Past student says:

    I am a past graduate of Galen University….and I have no regrets going there. It gave me a solid foundation and for me it was an unforgettable experience. The Professors are there to ensure students success. Galen University is the #1 school in Belize. They provide only the best in education. I support DR. Zabaneh and his team for taking Galen to a higher standard.

  20. Current Student says:

    Galen gave 5 Belizean musicians the oppurtunity to pursue their education, something no other insititution have taught of.This has not only changed the musicians lives but many more to come. Without the galen Administration this would have never been done.

  21. G Student says:

    Wikileaks are just information posted by random people. There is no credibility on what is posted. Anyone can just post up allegations on anyone else. Just like Wikipedia… you can not use it as a reference in your work. Because there is no valid credibility. People have nothing constructive to contribute and decide to bring up controversy by the use of false allegations. Galen is a very prestigious educational institution.

    False allegations and accusations are a result of being successful. Anyone who is successful can tell you that there is always someone that tries to bring you down when you are up there…

  22. louisville,ky says:

    I don’t know anything about Galen University and it’s inside manuvers, but I do know about Dr Luis Zabaneh and his father Eugene. I am not putting my head on the block for the entire Zabaneh family but Iam prepared to go out on a limb for Eugene and his Boy.
    He worked in his father’s Z-Line office I believe during summer vacations, while my trucking business hauled citrus and bananas for Papa Zab Enterprises. That’s when I first met and got to know Luis. Even then he was courteous and mannerly
    Eugene was so LARGE from a banking and financial stand point that our local Barclays branch had to get loan approvals for him, from the regional headquarters somewhere in the Caribbean. And this was long before he bought Maya Airways. Could it be that’s where the money came from to buy Galen?
    Not too long ago, Eugene Zabaneh was the single largest citrus grower in the country, if not still and the second largest banana exporter exceeded only by his brother Tony, the owner of Sagitun farms.
    Look, to some individuals the name Zabaneh might be bad news but I am prepared to defend the integrity and honor of Dr. Luis and his father Eugene as decent, honest and trust worthy Zabanehs. Some of the others, well….. I am not so sure, as the jury is still out.

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