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Sep 6, 2011

Should the Prime Minister negotiate directly with the gangs?

Tonight’s question is: Should the Prime Minister negotiate directly with the gangs? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at You can also send an email with your comments to

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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21 Responses for “Should the Prime Minister negotiate directly with the gangs?”

  1. Storm says:

    No! The only good gangster is a dead gangster. Putting killers on the government payroll, are they insane in Belmopan? I only want my money to go to hunt them down or lock them up.

    PM Barrow surrendered to extortion — a modern day Neville Chamberlain?


  2. Kunta says:

    You don’t negotiate with gangs you eliminate them like terrorists.

  3. Hill says:

    Na, that ain’t right, he’s so stupid!

  4. BZNinCALI says:

    Since we cannot get convictions in court & those rubber bullets leave too many to tell tales, talking to them is the only other option unless we accidentally, on purpose put them to sleep. Unless Dean shuffles his cabinet again, we have to ask who in his cabinet or among his professional colleagues other than the doctor has enough integrity & can garner the respect of the people they need to come to an agreement. It does not diminish him as the PM, my concern is that it gives the gang leaders political clout . On the other hand, it takes one weapon out of the two organizations that were making unreasonable demands last week.

  5. Tiredbelizean says:

    What kind of pm have meetings with gangs. more than likely he had meetings with that he’s affiliated with. He is just encouraging more gang involvement. Now they not only run the streets but they are gonna run the pm too!!A BUNCH OF KISS UP!!!!

  6. reggie says:

    the GOB should let the Gsu do their job.the heat is on .so the gang members now realize that the Police mean Business.Pm is thinking about election .it is a shame to see that the pm know who is killing out the people and he sit with them.when will he call the victim family and talk to them about their pain.she should have all the concern org.involve in that meeting.common unite all the partys.anyhow that is the pm dictator way.only he can make changes.

  7. Mel says:

    When the so called squatters were being brutally evicted boots said on channel 7 that GOB does not negotiate with criminals. So what is Dean Barrow now doing? Is he negotiating with Diplomats? The point is that Dean barrow cannot identify this country’s priorities. The Economy.

  8. Someone says:

    BOOM! Well said Mel.

  9. c says:

    Mel good point… what happened to GOB does not negotiate with criminals? Maybe the gangs arent criminals…according to the brilliant ministers we have!!

  10. tim says:

    couldn’t have said it better Mel.. What is wrong with our PM?? Does he ever sit down and think for the nation, or for his, close friends and families’ benefit? This is probably the worst mistake any PM can make. How can you negotiate with criminals. once a murderer always a murderer.. Now, that election is near.. he wants even the gangs vote.. what are we doing wrong?? come on PM.. and where is COLA and Schakron?? we need a third party – PNP???

  11. Fed up Belizean says:

    As a Concern Citizen of this Country i am ashame and feel pity for this Goverment and the So-Called Prime Minister we have for this Country……First time in History i am learning that Gangs have a say in the the Management of this Country. Where in the world are we heading to, like this country has just gone from grian to grass. Just imagine our PM is negogiating with these Criminals when infact they dont have a place in this Society… When was the last time did he sit down with the families if this Victims and nogogiate so as not for them to take the law into their own hands and retaliate… What i can tell him is that the Police will not sit back and watch things get out of hand caz i know for sure that the GSU has more for these idiots from George street….. Shame on you barrow, you gotta GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Teanz says:

    Borrow gotta go!!!shame on him!!!Well said Mel!!!

  13. Islander says:

    It appears that the only reason he is negotiating with those scumbags is because he wants votes. It is pathetic to see what’s happening, I am glad the young people look at the issues before voting and not follow bloodline party politics . I for one will no longer vote UDP.

  14. L..K says:

    Absolutely not……don’t give these gangsters a sense of identity and power. nothing good comes out of these gangs……in fact continue fight against them and make Belize rid of them.

  15. Me says:

    maybe he should meet with them, in a secluded area, thru a feeder road perhaps………………if you know what I mean.

  16. Imagine the possibilites says:

    Doug Singh states on national TV and radio that the gangs affiliated with SSG do not require employment , all they want is for the GSU to leave them alone and they can survive. what exactly do gangs do for money MR Singh? Kill, extortion, sell drugs, rape, kidnap.!! is this waht you conceded in your meeting , to allow gangs to roam free in our streets?
    I would like to hear what Crazy Glue have to say about this UDP gang now>>

  17. A Jew says:

    GOB is shaking the Hornet’s nest, negotiations with the gangs does more harm than good. This in turn will only give the gangs more power and exposure and the PM is legitimizing their demands by having these negotiations. The gangs are a threat to the society and in the end only the citizens of Belize will be affected negatively. The real question is “What happens if Govt and Gangs do not come to a truce, then what?”

  18. Indian woman says:

    My fellow Belizeans……it is time to take matters into our own hands and make Belize a safe place for all of us to live.It is obvious that the udp government does not wnat to do this. So,,, follow in the footsteps of the chiny man. do not tolerate criminals nor be afraid of them. they grow strong due to our fear. If i lead will you follow me? Totally insane for us to live like this because of a very few animals. We have talked about this way too much already. Please stop blaming the government.They are useless. Lets go get the criminals. The GSU guys will join us .We cannot continue to live in fear of a few scum sucking parasites.One word of advise to the animals who come to Belmopan…… you will leave in a body bag.

  19. Belizean says:

    Why not? The people in this country like to attach personalities to things like this. One person above said that the PM is a dictator, another person says that the PM is paying the Gangsters and that he knows the killers as if he was encouraging them to kill the Belizean people. That is ridiculus. The question here is a question about the aproach that the Government is taking | or the strategy that it is using.
    I am a youth and I know what it is like out in the streets, some Belizeans have dismissed us saying let them let themselves.
    If GOB has the opportunity to speak with the gangs and seriously try to change the situation in Belize city then why not?
    Finally I need to say that we have lost our morals as countrymen and women. Caritas

  20. rick says:

    All gangster are considered terrorists and as such GOB should not be engaging in negotiations; by the government negotiating, GOB is accepting and recognizing that the gangster are an association of criminal that is being respected within the laws of Belize. GOB is bullying Belizean citizens with the 9th amendment debate (not consultation) but sits down and listens to criminals.

  21. A Jew says:

    Lost our morals? No my friend, the people of Belize are tired and frustrated! We live in fear, we are like prisoners in our own homes, we cant walk on the streets without looking over our shoulder, every criminal has a gun, criminals walk free from courts, we cant even enjoy our own September festivities due to the criminal activities all around. The sad truth is that the Govt cannot guarantee the citizen’s of this country with safety and security. In the long run our fear will turn into hate and citizens will begin taking the law into their own hands.
    Imagine the gangs are deciding when the crime stops or that no one will be harmed for the celebrations. PM should use the powers we invested in him to stop these gang networks for good. Crime will always be part of any society, but its sad and embarassing to see our leaders negotiating with the same individuals that threaten our basic right to life, work, and freedom.

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