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Home » Crime » Honduran national raped in Independence Village
Sep 7, 2011

Honduran national raped in Independence Village

On Monday we told you about an US visitor who was assaulted and raped on the Stann Creek Valley Road. There is a report tonight that another woman was raped over the weekend. Independence police say that a forty-four year old Honduran national was riding her bike from Farm fourteen to her home when a Hispanic man jumped out of the bushes with a gun. The man then pulled her off her bike, and shortly after robbed and raped her. The assailant took jewelry and a cell phone; all valued over one thousand three hundred dollars. The alleged rape was carried out pretty much in the same pattern used in the rape of the US visitor

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Honduran national raped in Independence Village”

  1. BMNJ says:

    We need to get a hold of this serial rapist, surgically remove his private part, shove a stick up his rear, lock him up behind bars, & then throw away the keys.

  2. Rod says:

    I have said it all tourist stay away from Belize or you will eighter be raped robbed or murdered stay away until this country has a real pm and gov because this gov is useless and impotent period.

  3. student says:

    Where is the DNA lab, without this conviction is next to imposssible. get a dna sample of all new immigrants!! create a database and when a crime is committed you match the database, easy as abc. Belize is living in the dark ages!!in some areas.

  4. Get it right says:

    ROD why don’t you comment with sense. Its always the same @$$ stories with you. Say something productive and get off Johnny’s rod. You say the same $#!% everyday.

  5. Word2dwise says:

    bring back hanging

  6. Crazy, sexy, cool. says:

    I am with u Get it right… why everything got to be political, look at these issues from a diffrent angle Rod. Peace.

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