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Sep 7, 2011

9 years for illegal guns and ammunition; ouch!

Auto Dealer, Malcolm Lamb was sentenced today after he was found guilty of three firearm related charges. The firearm and ammo were found on him on June twenty-seventh, 2009 as he stood at Dolphin Park located in the Western Landivar area. Police officers testified in court that they found an unlicensed pistol and ammunition in his pants. Lamb admitted that he was at the park but denied that police found any illegal objects on him. A witness he relied on failed to come forward to testify. The magistrate then handed a nine year sentence.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “9 years for illegal guns and ammunition; ouch!”

  1. Islander says:

    Score one for the good guys! Now we need murder convictiOns..

  2. Elgin Martinez says:

    We need more convictions of murderers.Kudos to the magistrate.

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