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Sep 7, 2011

Fuller’s wife says Rhett is optimistic despite prison

Ann Marie Fuller

According to Fuller’s wife, Ann Marie, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, with whom the power to extradite her husband rests, exercised tremendous objectivity during the hearing.  There were several issues of concern for Elrington, including what is being considered an act of bad faith on the part of the U.S. Government.  In August 1998, a diplomatic note containing erroneous information about Fuller’s whereabouts was presented as part of an initial request for his extradition.  Fuller also told News Five that Rhett remains optimistic despite being behind bars at the Central Prison.

Ann Marie Fuller, Wife of Rhett Fuller

“I can see where the honorable minister was very genuinely concerned about justice being served on both sides.  I can see where he studied the information very thoroughly.  He displayed that in the way he flipped from one paragraph to the other and he mentioned certain issues that were definitely of major concern to him.  One of those issues that he specifically mentioned was the delay, that it was said that they never knew where he was and in fact the evidence contradictorily show that they did in fact know where he was for a long time.  And the other issue [is] where they got, you know, information from him by force and he was never Mirandized.  He was never advised to get legal counsel, he was always told that he is not the party of interest and so this evidence, if it’s possible, be used against him then it would mean that he would not be getting a fair and just trial.”

Isani Cayetano

“In terms of his morale since surrendering, what has that been like in the conversations you’ve had with him since?”

Ann Marie Fuller

“He’s still very hopeful, as am I, and we’re very positive that in the end, you know, things are going to work out because we’re people who believe that justice will be served one way or the other.  So we feel like, you know, it’s going to work out one way or the other for us and whatever the honorable minister decides we are just going to go along with that because we really believe that he is giving it a lot of good consideration.”

The hearing before Minister Wilfred Elrington has been adjourned until further conferences with the relevant parties have been completed, at which time the extradition proceedings will resume.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Fuller’s wife says Rhett is optimistic despite prison”

  1. Belize says:

    Mrs Fuller you are living with an accuse murderer. Let him go to the states and deffend his innocence. Yes you are hurting but what about the victim family. Don’t you think they want a closure too.

  2. Lucas says:

    Honestly, From the beginning, this saga never intersted me. However, Mrs. Fuller please allow me: Some of the comments posted even though heartless, are true. There is an extradiction treaty between Belize and U.S.and our GOBs can and will be muzzled one way or the other by uncle Sam. I am sorry that you and your kids are now caught in this mess. My father used to say: AL MAL PASO HAY QUE DARLE PRISA. Translation: IF YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO TAKE A FALSE STEP, MIGHT AS WELL DO IT QUICK. If your husband has to go, the sooner the better cause the sooner he will be back home. If there is any consolation: The prisons in the US are not that bad. Prisoners are well fed, medical attention is given when needed, TV is provided, conjugal visits are granted etc. etc. Therefore, HOPE FOR THE BEST BUT PREPARE FOR THE WORST. May The Almighty Bless you and Keep you and your Children too.

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