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Sep 9, 2011

Complications for men paralyzed while on prison bus

Two prisoners on remand for separate murders were left permanently paralyzed after a prison bus overturned on the Northern Highway back in May. Just over a week ago, both Crispin Moreno and Dean Davis applied for bail due to their condition. Moreno was freed of the Murder charge and Davis was back in court today before Justice Troadio Gonzalez.  Davis is paralyzed from the waist down and is confine to a wheel chair. His attorney, Philip Palacio submitted to the court that Davis is not being properly cared for because the Central Prison is not equipped. But Nurse Harris, who is employed by the Kolbe Foundation testified that since the accident, Davis has been provided with a bed and all necessary items, including a wheel chair. She also told the court she has been working along with three others, attending to his needs. It was revealed, however, that those three persons are inmates who are trained only in first aid. Harris also told the court that she only works at the prison for nine hours per day and shared a letter from the Kolbe Foundation C.E.O., which said that the prison could not facilitate Davis. The case was adjourned until September thirtieth because, according to Prosecutor Triennia Young, Davis’ trial is set to start this month in the Northern Session of the Supreme Court. Davis is accused in the murder of Orange Walk resident Erin Sutherland, who was stabbed to death in April 2010.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Complications for men paralyzed while on prison bus”

  1. islander says:

    KARMA wanted payback and she got it in the form of paralysis

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