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Sep 12, 2011

Woman charged for stealing from Good Samaritan

A fifty-six year old Belize City woman was arrested for allegedly stealing from a fast food vendor and she compounded her troubles when she lied to the cops about her name. Today, Sylvia Therese Hernandez, a Pitts Alley resident, was charged with Theft and Committing a Mischievous Act. She pleaded not guilty to Theft, which is for allegedly stealing a cell phone from Sharon Cocom. But Hernandez accepted responsibility for her mischievous act and admitted to telling PC Karima Martinez that her name was Moli Hernandez.  Magistrate Emmerson Banner imposed a small fine of twenty-five dollars to be paid by October fifteenth. But Hernandez is behind bars tonight because she could not meet bail of one thousand five hundred dollars for the charge of Theft. Cocom reported to police that on September sixth, at around five-thirty a.m. she left her phone on her sofa while she went to get food that Hernandez had gone to pick up. She claims that Hernandez left quickly after receiving the food and she then realized that the phone was missing.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Woman charged for stealing from Good Samaritan”


    It seems like there are no honour left in Belizean souls anymore, so they make “hell” possible for everyone else.

  2. Islander says:

    NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNSHED! Sad but usually to do good people end up being punished for their good deeds… but no reason to stop, let keep up helping each other.

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