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Sep 13, 2011

Weatherman calls for time spent under your umbrella

Several streets flooded in the old capital today as a result of heavy rains. But according to the Chief Meteorologist, Dennis Gonguez, the showers were more intense in southern Belize, causing flooding in some areas. And you’ll want to keep those umbrellas and raincoats handy because Gonguez says that the downpour is being caused by a tropical wave that could bring more rains and thunderstorms, even as it moves away from Belize during the remainder of the week.

Dennis Gonguez, Chief Meteorologist

“The rain started Sunday afternoon or late Sunday evening and it continued up to present day. It is being caused by a tropical wave, we have a fairly active tropical wave and it has some support in the upper thirty-nine thousand feet of the atmosphere there is some upper level support for the system. And as a result we are getting some fairly intense showers and thunderstorms.”

Delahnie Bain

“What parts of the country are being affected?”

Dennis Gonguez

Dennis Gonguez

“Well, the southern part of the country experienced up to three to four inches of rainfall over the past couple of days. So it’s basically the southern parts of the country has been experiencing the worst, the brunt of this tropical wave.”

Delahnie Bain

“So how much rain have we been getting here in the city?”

Dennis Gonguez

“We had about close to two inches of rainfall over the past couple of days.”

Delahnie Bain

“And do you know—well, the forecast—how much longer this rain will last?”

Dennis Gonguez

“Yes, the projection or the forecast indicates that the rain should be out of here shortly so we’re looking at improving conditions come tomorrow morning. Less rainfalls, we’ll still have some showers around but not as much as we’ve been having in the past couple of days.”

Delahnie Bain

“I know that some areas, there has been some flooding can you tell us about that?”

Dennis Gonguez

“Well, I have some information that some rivers were rising in the south. However, I don’t have details as to the extent of the flooding in the southern section of the country. I have heard from the National Emergency Management Organization that rivers are rising in the south.”

Delahnie Bain

“You know which ones?”

Dennis Gonguez

“Specifically the Sittee River near to Kendal.”

While weather conditions will improve over the next two days, another bout of showers is expected on Friday. More on the weather coming up in the report from the Met Service.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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No Responses for “Weatherman calls for time spent under your umbrella”

  1. baan-ya says:

    Our so-called ‘weather experts’ for some reason or the other, can never get it right. These guys don’t do any weather forecasting – they do weather reports. Who the hell wants to know what the weather was like yesterday!

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