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Sep 13, 2011

City Council mourns loss of Councilor Faber in accident

Dion Leslie

Undoubtedly, the tragedy has rocked the families of the accident victims as well as Faber’s colleagues at City Hall and his friends in the United Democratic Party.  The loss also hit close to home here at Channel Five where Gianni Taylor was the daughter of a staff member and a regular visitor. News Five this afternoon spoke with councilors Deon Leslie and Roger Espejo who both shared personal and professional memories of working with Faber.

Dion Leslie, Belize City Councilor

“One of the fondest memories I’ve ever had of Andrew was this weekend right here when we were marching together in the Tenth Parade this Saturday and after that we went to the Multicultural Fair together and we were just hanging around having fun.  Andrew was having the time of his life; in fact, I looked at him and said “you di have fun noh?”  And he looked at me and said “I’m having the best time of my life right now” He really enjoyed life up to its very end I know that.  Professionally Andrew was one of the people you can count on.  When you called him he would be there.  When you needed help with something he would be there.  You needed help with any of the projects you had he would come and assist you and vice versa.  When he had his tournaments, basketball tournaments we were there for him.”

Isani Cayetano

Roger Espejo

“Councilor Espejo talk to us a bit about the career in politics that you guys both shared.  I know you guys entered on the same ticket several years ago for the Belize City Council.  Talk to us a bit about the time you spent with him professionally.”

Roger Espejo, Belize City Councilor

“The little time that we spent together for the past two years is filled with fond memories of Andrew Faber. He had a jovial attitude about him that never failed. We have mulled over hard decisions at the council, easy decisions—all sorts of issues—but he was always one to have a very jovial, a very high-spirited demeanor about him regardless of whatever issue we dealt with or tackled at the council. Coming in two years ago was a happy time for us because we won the election. From the very get go, Andrew had this spirit about him; a very positive spirit that we wanted to get things done. He was a fighter for young people—himself being a young councilor; perhaps the youngest ever elected and he had no problem in representing that. He got involved in many initiatives that are for and about young people whether it be sporting activities, his street tournaments—that kind of thing.”

Andrew Faber was the Councilor Responsible for Youth and Sports at City Hall.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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No Responses for “City Council mourns loss of Councilor Faber in accident”

  1. Rod says:

    What are the circumstances of this accident was caber drunk.

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