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Home » March, 2006 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2006

U.D.P. sweeps municipal elections

The two party system is alive and well in Belize … and that’s about the only solace the P.U.P. could enjoy this morning as the magnitude of the United Democratic Party’s sweeping nationwide victory became clear. Claiming sixty-four out of sixty-seven seats up for grabs in nine municipalities and winning just under sixty percent of […]

Barrow attributes victory to P.U.P. “screwups”

While Zenaida Moya will have her hands full figuring out how to run a city in tough financial times, U.D.P. leader Dean Barrow will spend the next two years trying to parlay yesterday’s municipal success into victory in the 2008 general elections. In the wee hours of this morning he offered a quick analysis of […]

Musa takes the heat for unprecedented P.U.P. defeat

For every winner in last night’s drama there was a corresponding loser. As the leader of the party suffering one of the most lopsided defeats in recent political memory, it was left to Prime Minister Said Musa to face the public, put his spin on the massacre, and rally his demoralized troops. P.M. Said Musa, […]

Hertular faces life in prison following U.S. drug conviction

A Belizean extradited on drug related charges has been convicted in the States. Robert Hertular was found guilty by a jury in U.S. Federal Court of threatening to kill a Belize based D.E.A. agent as well as conspiracy to import cocaine. The offenses date to 2001 and involve the seizure of over a ton of […]

Police seek public’s help to catch fugitives

Tonight police need your help in catching two wanted men. A year ago, twenty-one year old Mark Alamilla was arrested and charged in the shooting death of Belize City mechanic Lloyd Bodden. In December the case against Alamilla was set for a final hearing in the preliminary inquiry to see if the matter should be […]

Missing witnessed delay coroner’s inquest

The coroner’s inquest into the death of Leslie Rogers Junior has entered its third day. That inquiry was delayed, however, when two witnesses summoned to appear before Magistrate Margaret Gabb-McKenzie failed to show up. When police officers were dispatched to find and bring the two to court, it was discovered that one of them has […]

Driver will face trial instead of copping plea

A scheduled sentencing in the Supreme Court had its own delay of justice when instead of a wrist slap, a Belize City taxi driver was given a trial date. Forty-four year old Valentine Ferguson appeared before Justice Adolph Lucas this morning to hear his fate after pleading guilty to two counts of causing death by […]

Smart offers new services for telecom customers

Today, Smart launched its newest telecommunications feature. Smart Live, advertised as the first service of its kind in Belize, is initially being offered only to the phone company’s customers. Smart’s chief executive officer Eduardo Santiago spoke to News Five about Smart Live and the features their clients will now be able to enjoy. Eduardo Santiago, […]

Early education highlighted during March

Zenaida Moya and her U.D.P. supporters were not the only ones parading through the streets of Belize City today. News Five’s Jacqueline Woods explains. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Principals, teachers, preschoolers, and parents brave the city?s afternoon heat to celebrate the start of Child Stimulation Month. The observance is held each March to promote early education. […]