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Home » November, 2011 You are currently browsing entries posted in: November, 2011

Kevin Lee gets deported and is greeted with criminal charges

Kevin Lee, the well-known and now infamous acupuncturist of the “Pain no Pain” massage parlors in Belize City, landed at the international airport before midday escorted by US Marshalls. Lee had been on the run since last September and was apprehended in Los Angeles in early October through local police and INTERPOL work. An attempt […]

BAHA awaiting decision from EU on List One Status

Belize lost its List One status with the European Union a few days ago for not submitting its required annual residue plan which monitors for chemicals. The fate of two containers of shrimp heading for the EU is not known. The delisting translates to huge financial losses to the aquaculture industry, which has been on […]

Rhett Fuller is back in Court in his last chance to stop extradition

Businessman Rhett Fuller was back in court today where Senior Counsel Eamon Courtenay made a final submission on his behalf to avoid extradition to the United States.  The forty-two year old appears to be at the end of the rope as he has ran through all legal options to maintain his freedom in Belize.  Fuller, […]

Several suspects detained for murder of Iguana Creek Resort owner

The brutal murder of sixty eight year old Dr. Larry Johnson in Ontario has left western communities reeling in shock. On Wednesday night, the house of the Iguana Creek Resort owner was invaded by six masked men who attacked the well known doctor and an employee, Julio Funes. The assailants later tied up the two […]

Angry farmers put pressure on DPM Gaspar Vega

On Wednesday, News Five went north to San Juan in the Orange Walk District and into the cane fields of over two hundred caneros, whose crops are being destroyed. A plot of land reported to be about two hundred acres was bought by Government from a company, Belize Distills, for residential lots. Now, this parcel […]

Stephen O’Keke throws in the towel on mayoral campaign

The People’s United Party on Thursday presented its slate and mayoral candidate for the March City Council elections. Karen Bodden will be leading that team. But there is one independent candidate who stepped down today from the 2012 mayoral race. Activist Stephen Okeke, who has been campaigning on the airwaves for the last few months […]

Ya-axche and APAMO write the Prime Minister about rosewood extraction

Two NGOs have teamed up to fight illegal logging within days of a report by  Friends for Conservation Development which disclosed that Guatemalan loggers have moved significantly into Belizean territory and that the exploitation of the forests continue unabated in the south. According to the FCD report called Chiquibul Forest and Development- A Case for […]

Police phone lines down for the weekend

If you have been trying to call police telephone lines, chances are you wouldn’t get an answer. Their telephone lines in numerous stations across the country have been down since Thursday because of a technical glitch with the provider, B.T.L. The police have been transitioning from pre to post paid and vice versa because usage […]

Self-proclaimed drug addict gladly accepts 10 year sentence for burglary

A ten year sentence was handed down in a case of burglary against forty-two year old Edward Usher. It may seem a hefty penalty for stealing seven hundred and sixteen dollars in liquors, but surprisingly Usher welcomed the prison time. He admitted to being a drug addict and with six similar convictions, Usher told Magistrate […]

Minister Rene Montero intervenes in horse track controversy

Horse racing is a popular sport in the west, but there is trouble brewing and it is getting political over who gets to control of the only public track. The Cayo Horse Racing Association has been canceled from using the track at the Peter August stadium by no less than Minister Rene Montero. With an […]

Nazira Uc Espat is called to the Bar

Twenty four year old Nazira Uc Espat was today called to the Bar. Espat, who enrolled at UWI in 2006, completed her law studies earlier this year from the Norman Manley Law School in Kingston, Jamaica. During her tenure at the UWI she served in numerous capacities, including student ambassador where she advocated on issues […]

Belize and St. Vincent draw in World Cup Qualifying match

At the F.F.B. Stadium in Belmopan, this afternoon the Belize national team matched up against the visiting team from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Local fan support has dropped dramatically and in fact today’s game had the smallest crowd in the world cup qualifying series. At the tenth minute of play, Vincentian Cornelius Stewart scored […]

Mennonite women display artistic handmade quilts

If you are in the city this weekend you will want to head to the House of Culture where the Mennonite Women’s Quilting Circle is staging its annual exhibit of fabulous quilts and other patchwork pieces. The pieces are intricately woven illustrating the colorful patterns of wildlife and other interesting images.  News Five’s Delahnie Bain […]

The Salvation Army launches its Kettle Appeal for 2011

The Kettle Appeal is a regular feature in our newscasts, and this year it is a tad early. The Salvation Army this morning launched the appeal hoping that generosity in 2011 will outdo previous years.  Aside from BRAVO, the Salvation Army was joined this year by First Caribbean Bank. When we headed to Albert Street […]

“The Creation of Eve” is the latest exhibit by artist, Pen Cayetano

The versatile artist and Garifuna Ambassador, Pen Cayetano is holding an exhibition at this time at the Mexican Institute in Belize City. News Five caught up with the artist this morning as he was putting his final touches on the exhibition called “The Creation of Eve”. Cayetano who doubles up as a painter and musician […]