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Guatemalan Navy Illegal Enters Belize’s Territorial Waters

The government is reporting that the Guatemalan Navy illegally entered Belize’s territorial waters on Thursday, December thirty-first, in the south.  A release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that members of the Guatemalan Navy illegally entered Belize’s territorial waters aboard a vessel and were at one point more than a kilometre north of the […]

GSU & Anti Gang Task Force Disbanded!

The Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) and the Anti-Gang Task Force have been disbanded. This decision has given birth to the Gang Intelligence, Investigation, and Interdiction Unit (GI3), which will be under the command of Senior Superintendent of Police Linden Flowers. The Belize Police Department has also informed of the establishment of Region Four in Eastern […]

225 New Police Constables Out of Thousands of Applicants

The deadline for the submission of applications for persons interested in joining the Belize Police Department is Thursday.  Over the past two days, the headquarters in Belmopan has been busy with activity, as hundreds of applicants have visited the office to drop off their resumes.  It was quite an interesting sight to see that many […]

Coast Guard Annual Luncheon & Award Ceremony 2020

Today, the Belize Coast Guard held one of its tradition – the annual Christmas luncheon and awards program.  The Christmas luncheon for military or service members is a long standing tradition first started in the Belize Defence Force and has since become a part of the Belize Coast Guard’s ritual.  It’s an event used to […]

Coast Guard Meets with Sarteneja Community

Earlier today, Acting Commandant of the Belize Coast Guard, Commander Gregory Soberanis, along with his operational staff, met with the leadership of Sarteneja Village to discuss community collaboration and partnership on mitigating measures to deter the cross border transmission of the corona virus.  Discussion was also held with members of Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development […]

Minister Meet with San Vicente Villagers

On Thursday, Minister of National Defence and Border Security Florencio Marin and his Minister of State Oscar Mira met with villagers of San Vicente in the Toledo District. Also present in that meeting with the village council and Alcalde was Toledo West Area Representative, Minister Oscar Requeña. According to Requeña, the purpose of the meeting […]

Ministry of National Defence & Border Security Visit San Vicente, Toledo

Today, Minister of National Defence and Border Security Florencio Marin and Minister of State Oscar Mira visited the village of San Vicente in the Toledo District to meet with the village council. The meeting was to address the issue between residents and B.D.F. soldiers stationed in the village.  You’d recall that on November twenty-ninth, the […]

Prison Officer Terminated Over Mass Prison Break

A prison officer has been terminated as a result of the findings of an internal investigation into the massive prison break on October twelfth.  A group of twenty-eight prisoners escaped from the Belize Central Prison after three prison officers were held hostage. The gang of escapees broke out through the rear of the compound and into […]

Three Escapees Remain on the Lam

Escapees Michael Faux, Jaroud Lamb and Erwin Lanza remain on the run. They were among the twenty-eight prisoners that broke out from the Belize Central Prison on October twelfth. According to Prison C.E.O.  Virgilio Murillo, the search for these three escapees remains active   Virgilio Murillo, C.E.O., Kolbe Foundation “We still have three of them […]

Kolbe Foundation C.E.O. says Bail Application Hearings Held Virtually

According to Murillo, instituting a lockdown played a crucial role in controlling the COVID-19 spread at the Belize Central Prison. He says that the Kolbe Foundation is working along with the courts to ensure that legal proceedings such as bail applications are done virtually.   Virgilio Murillo, C.E.O., Kolbe Foundation “Obviously the twenty one day […]

Will cops’ face-to-face meeting break COVID-19 regulations?

Later this week the Belize Police Department is also hosting a commanders meeting – that is they are planning to meet in person with their new Minister on Thursday. If we are to go by the numbers – that will bring more than four dozen police officers in one room space. Commissioner of Police Chester […]

The Ministry of Defence & Border Security

Today the Belize Coast Guard is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary – and their new bosses in the Ministry of Defence and Border Security were there to celebrate with them. But before we get to that, we’ll tell you more on this Ministry and some of the areas that Minister Florencio Marin and Minister of State […]

Coast Guard @ 15!

At the top of the newscast you heard from C.E.O.  Dario Tapia when we met him at a celebration held at the Belize Coast Guard’s headquarters today. The press was invited to witness the symbolic cutting of the cake as the Belize Coast Guard commemorated its fifteen-year anniversary. Here’s a report on how that went: […]

BDF Commander Comments on PC Ical

After six days of being lost in the jungles of Southern Belize, P.C. Bernard Ical returned to post in good health. The police officer went missing last week Wednesday and found his way back to the Machaquila outpost on Monday. This is after a massive search party was launched for the officer. According to Ical, it […]

Women, Peace and Security Agenda Launched

A virtual launch took place this morning of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the Ministry of National Security.  The agenda seeks to promote gender equality, women empowerment and rights in the police, B.D.F. and Coastguard. The Minister of National Security says that a key component is to grow participation and leadership of women […]

Police and Mask Wearer Have it Out at Water Taxi Terminal

Another video in circulation today shows a trio of officers restraining a civilian at the San Pedro Belize Express Water Taxi Terminal earlier today over the proper use of his face mask.  According to the individual, he was conversing with a woman who could not hear clearly what he was saying to her, therefore he […]

PC Bernard Ical returns – details his six days being lost in the jungle!

Tonight we start our newscast with the heroic story of P.C. Bernard Ical. He was lost in the jungle but today he is back like he never left, Ical tells us tonight about his six days ordeal in the jungles in southern Belize. He credits his S.P.U. training and his positive mindset as things that […]

ComPol outlines rescue efforts for PC Ical

And so there you heard it – the man who helped to steer P.C. Bernard Ical to safety at the observation post is none other than his commissioner who was aboard the helicopter on Monday. But even before that air search – the commissioner of Police says that he gave his word to Ical’s family […]

PC Ical returns – but did he follow protocols that could have prevented this ordeal?

And so today ComPol Chester Williams had nothing but welcoming words for his officer, hailing him a brave man – but did that brave man adhere to the protocols on the ground? Some believe that if Ical had followed those protocols it could have all been prevented.  News 5 received copies of statements allegedly made […]

Six Days Later, PC Bernard Ical is Found Alive and Well in Columbia Forest

There was a collective sigh of relief across Belize today when it was confirmed that Police Constable Bernard Ical was safe and alive. Ical found his way back to the Machaquila outpost this afternoon after two o’clock.  Teams from the police and B.D.F. as well as civilians set out in search for the P.C. who […]

Coast Guard Launches Operation Blue Lightening

The Belize Coast Guard today launched Operation Blue Lightning. The operation is geared at keeping Belize’s maritime border closed during this crucial battle against COVID-19.  While the B.D.F. and police officers secure the terrestrial borders, coast guard officers are tasked in securing the maritime borders. The Coast Guard has been working around the clock up […]

BDF to implement Sexual Harassment Policy

The Belize Defence Force says that plans are already in place to address some of the internal wrongdoings outlined in the investigation into the allegations at the training company. Today they hosted the media in an almost two-hour long discussion before they fielded questions about the investigation into allegations of a sexual nature, extortion, physical […]

BDF says there is no rape culture; but will further investigation be conducted among other units to determine this?

Now this plan, comes on the heels of a number of allegations in the training school and more recently following an allegation of rape for which Sergeant Margarito Pop was criminally charged. But Pop, from what we are told, still hasn’t been placed on interdiction. The B.D.F. says that final sign off comes from the […]

BDF General says the Force wants to recruit more women

During today’s interview, the Commander also spoke about the direction the B.D.F. is moving. He acknowledges that times are evolving and things need to change, now that may sound like good talk and all, but the General says he is committed to doing so. And on the topic of change, women are at the centre […]

BDF investigating escape from quarantine facility in the south!

And finally on the topic of B.D.F for tonight, the press also took the opportunity to ask General Ortega about the issue of the border jumpers escaping from quarantine facilities. There were two incidents, one at the ITVET over a month ago and more recently in the south. The soldiers, as explained by the B.D.F. […]