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Home » February, 1998 You are currently browsing entries posted in: February, 1998

Prison superintendent speaks on Seguro case

It was a report that touched the nation when it first hit the airwaves less than two weeks ago…and shocked viewers last night when it was revealed that a prisoner at Hattieville, pardoned due to his impending death from AIDS, apparently doesn’t have the disease after all. Yesterday I visited the free but suffering man […]

Burglary ring broken in Belmopan

Police in Belmopan say they have arrested a pair of men whom they believe have been involved in at least six recent burglaries in the nation’s capital. The break in the case came when police investigations led to the recovery of items stolen on February tenth from the home of Lewis Wade on Orange Walk […]

Van crashes through wall at MCC

It couldn’t fit into yesterday’s crowded newscast, but an accident which fortunately did not prove lethal took place in spectacular fashion on Saturday afternoon in Belize City. This van was speeding down the newly paved Newtown Barracks toward downtown when it went out of control, smashed into a parked car and spun headlong into the […]

PUP gives tapes to prosecutor, urges prompt action

In other crime news, the People’s United Party today delivered audio recordings to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Adolph Lucas. The recordings, revealed publicly last week, purport to show U.D.P. Minister Salvador Fernandez offering to bribe San Ignacio Town Board member Marconi Matus to throw his allegiance to the U.D.P. The D.P.P. has been called […]

UDP plans groundbreaking for new headquarters

In unrelated news, the United Democratic Party has announced that on Saturday, February twenty first, it will officially break ground on its new national headquarters. The building will be located at the southeastern foot of the Bel-China Bridge in Belize City. The U.D.P. is celebrating its twenty fifth anniversary this year and Saturday’s festivities will […]

Japan donates to NGO?s

As non-governmental organizations continue to struggle for financial sustainability, any assistance, from whatever source is always good news. Today three grassroots N.G.O.’s got a helping hand from the Government of Japan as that country’s Ambassador to Belize, Terusuke Terada, signed three separate contracts for grassroots projects totaling over sixty six thousand U.S. dollars. The biggest […]

BTB unveils marketing plan

This morning at the Radisson the Belize Tourist Board unveiled its marketing plan for the 1998-1999 fiscal year. With precious little to spend on high powered advertising the B.T.B. is placing a lot of faith in its efforts at global public relations. The head of the New York based firm that handles Belize’s tourism P.R., […]

New guest house opens in Belize City

While the B.T.B. is making plans to market Belize’s many attractions, Belizeans involved in the tourism industry continue to invest in the hope that such marketing will prove successful. The latest addition to the Belize City hospitality scene has been created by a man who is no stranger to the neighborhood. Patrick Jones takes us […]