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Home » June, 2002 You are currently browsing entries posted in: June, 2002

Gurkhas charged with murder in death of student

Today, Belizean authorities have confirmed that the six soldiers arrested in the death of fourteen-year-old David Zabaneh Jr. will answer to the charge of murder. The men were part of the British Army’s Gurkha regiment training in Belize in May 2001 when as many as twenty-five of the highly trained soldiers got into a fight […]

Dangriga man stabbed in back by friend

A Dangriga man remains hospitalised tonight recovering from a stab wound. According to officers from the Southern Command, around 8:30 Thursday night, twenty-three year old Wallace Mohammed got into a fight with another man whom he knew. Mohammed says a knife was introduced to the scuffle and when it was over, he had been stabbed […]

O.W. restaurateur robbed of $14,000

A businesswoman from Orange Walk has reported being robbed of thousands of dollars. According to thirty-two year old Fang Yue-mei, proprietor of Shanghai Restaurant, sometime between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, a thief or thieves broke into her home located on Belize Road and stole approximately fourteen thousand Belize dollars in Belizean, Mexican and […]

Ombudsman: Police search of homes is legal

It’s a story that more than one Belizean has come to our studios to tell, that of police officers leaving their home in disarray after searching the premises for drugs, guns, wanted men, or all of the above. But when the police walk away empty-handed, homeowners are angry and demanding retribution, convinced some law has […]

UNDP gives environmental agencies a helping hand

While no one can deny the bounty of Belize’s natural environment, it is also clear that we must protect it. Today, seven environmental agencies received money from the United Nations Development Programme, and the Community Management of Protected Areas Conservation Project, COMPACT, to fund initiatives to sustainably develop Belize’s natural resources. Friends for Conservation and […]

Image Factory, Houses of Culture get I.D.B. funding

Every year, the Inter-American Development Bank, through its Cultural Centre in Washington, D.C., gives grants for cultural projects organised by agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. This morning, Belize’s three recipients, The Image Factory, and the House of Culture in Orange Walk and Benque, received their donations. I.D.B.’s country representative, Hugo Souza, says any […]

Funny money hits Belizean market again

And since we’re already on the topic of money, we thought it wise to tell you that today, the Central Bank sent out a press release warning the Belizean public that once again, funny money is on the market. According to the Bank, fake Belizean bills are in circulation in several denominations. There are several […]

Gov’t agencies take on number of traffic accidents

More often than not most Mondays, one of the sad facts we have to report are the traffic accidents that have taken place over the weekend. So it should come as no surprise that according to the experts, every year eighty-three people will never get where they are going. With that fact in mind, this […]

YWCA launches summer programmes

With the Ministry of Education estimating that more than forty thousand primary school students will be out on the loose for two months of summer holidays, there are no shortage of activities designed to help keep them entertained. One such programme is being launched by the Young Women’s Christian Association with a series of activities […]

BCVI gets ready for annual summer camp

If you are the parent of a child with special needs, don’t worry, this summer, they’ll have programmes to participate in too. One of them is being hosted by the Belize Council for the Visually Impaired. This year, sixty-eight children, all of whom are visually challenged, will spend part of their summer socialising with their […]