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Home » April, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2005

Just in: Public officers will strike

In news just in, the Public Service Union of Belize has officially announced its plans to take industrial action against the Government of Belize. In a letter dated today and addressed to Marcial Mes, Minister of Labour and Local Government, the P.S.U. states that this action is in solidarity with the National Trade Union Congress. […]

Education Minister asks teachers to consider actions

To strike or not to strike. That is the decision facing members of the Belize National Teacher’s Union tonight. Viewers may recall that on Friday we thought that the choice had already been made as B.N.T.U. President Anthony Fuentes told the media that an eight-member quorum of branch representatives had unanimously voted for a walkout. […]

Breaking news: Teachers announce strike action

Events are breaking very quickly on the labour front. News 5?s Patrick Jones has been standing by at B.N.T.U. headquarters and comes to us with this latest update. Patrick…? Patrick Jones, Reporting At the national headquarters of the Belize National Teachers Union, a meeting involving the Belize Branch of the B.N.T.U. is just concluding downstairs […]

B.T.L. employees resist management

While all eyes were focussed on the nation’s teachers, the controversy–or controversies?involving Belize’s telecommunications system continued on a tortuous path toward possible resolution. On the technical front, most B.T.L. services have been restored to near normal with the exception of some fibre optic links–unfortunately including those that carry this station’s television signals around the country. […]

Proceeds from share sale will pay off debts

In another facet of the B.T.L. controversy, a release from the Ministry of Finance has explained the disposition of funds from G.O.B.’s sale of fifteen percent ownership in the company to Michael Ashcroft. According to the release, Ashcroft’s Ecom Limited paid the full fourteen point five million U.S. dollars for the shares on March twenty-second, […]

More sabotage of B.E.L. lines over weekend

“It’s been a cat and mouse game; we just have to try and get out there as quickly as we can to repair the damage.” That’s how Belize Electricity Limited chief executive officer, Lynn Young, describes the acts of sabotage affecting his company and the public’s supply of power. The latest acts of vandalism, a […]

Cayo tops Kremandala Lake in B.P.F.L. action

Good evening, I?m James Adderley with this week?s edition of Sports Monday. In week thirteen of the Regent Insurance Cup Tournament, the B.P.F.L. finds itself with mounting problems as teams make that final dash to make the playoffs. In the hunt for a spot on the four-team post season roster is the Cayo Avengers who […]