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Home » December, 2006 You are currently browsing entries posted in: December, 2006

David Price, D.F.C. Inquiry Chairman, dead at 55

Had he died a year ago David Price would have been fondly remembered for his many contributions as a veteran teacher, principal and intellectual. That impressive career, however, was only preparation for what could only be called a rendezvous with destiny as Price was selected to chair a Commission of Inquiry which investigated the demise […]

Deal to merge public & private hospitals short on details

The deal approved by Cabinet under which Government will assume the private debt of Universal Health Services in exchange for majority ownership of the private hospital is an ambitious undertaking–both financially and in its implications for the nation’s health care system. This morning Minister of Health Jose Coye met with the board of the Karl […]

K.H.M.H. board, staff briefed on Ministry

But what about the actual operation of two major hospitals? According to K.H.M.H. chief Alvaro Rosado, today is the first time that members of his board or staff have been briefed on the situation. Alvaro Rosado, K.H.M.H. C.E.O.

Belize Coast Guard marks first anniversary

With hundreds of miles of shoreline, scores of cayes, three atolls and a barrier reef that ranks among the world’s natural wonders you’d think that Belize would boast one of the most formidable navies in the region. Unfortunately a tiny population and slim resources have kept our marine law enforcement to a minimum. That situation […]

Injured suspect arraigned for murder of teen

One week after police shot him in the left ankle, twenty-four year old Leonard Myers, a.k.a. “Ghost,” was released from the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital and taken straight over to Magistrate’s Court. Myers, unassisted by the police, managed to hop his way up the steps and into the holding cell area where he waited to […]

Marion Jones, home on a visit, faces the future

Last week Belize’s sweetheart, Marion Jones, arrived in the country with her three year old son Monty. And while she did not receive the hero’s welcome that greeted her back in 2001, that doesn’t mean we love her any less. This afternoon Jones sat down with the press and spoke candidly about the past year, […]

UNICEF looks back at 25 years of service

It’s an organisation that for over half a century has expended its financial and moral resources in service to Belize’s–and the world’s–children. Today UNICEF paused to look back in celebration. Rana Flowers, UNICEF Representative


From now until Christmas not a day will go by without a party being thrown for deserving Belizean children. We’ll try to cover all that we can … beginning with three held today in Belize City. Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting There was nothing that could have been done to stop these children from smiling much less […]