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Home » August, 2010 You are currently browsing entries posted in: August, 2010

Local tour guides protected, but will CSME countries accept it?

Cruise tourism is a multimillion dollar industry that is powerful enough to sway the economy.  Any major interference such as an international terrorism threat or a natural disaster can topple this important income earner which is a key source of foreign exchange.  But this week, the industry had a local controversy that may now create […]

Kirk Smith Jr. charged for Murder of Eyan Arnold

Thirty-five year old Eyan Arnold was laid to rest today. While his family and friends said their final farewells, eighteen year old Kirk Smith Jr. was escorted to Magistrate’s Court to be charged for his murder. Smith appeared unrepresented and no plea was taken because murder is an indictable offense. Magistrate Dorothy Flowers explained to […]

Minor sets her room on fire

Arson—it’s an offence that makes the news very often; but when the charge is brought against a twelve year old, it raises serious concern and begs a much closer look.  The story begins with a twelve year old girl from Burrell Boom Village in the custody of Ladyville Police after she allegedly set a fire […]

Two men shot at corner of Plues and Berkeley Streets

There was another barrage of bullets on the south side on Thursday night. It happened in one of the City’s most deadly war zones—an area bordered by two rival gangs.  It happened shortly after nine thirty at the intersection of Plues and Berkeley Streets.  But while it was not a deadly incident, it certainly left […]

Four new magistrates sworn in

There are some new faces in the Magistracy.  Today four new magistrates took the oath and will replace four others who for one reason or another, will move on from their posts.  The newly sworn-in law officers are Patricia Arana, who was with the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, former journalist with the […]

Viewers respond in poll about tourism industry

The controversy in the cruise tourism industry over the exclusive contract between Carnival Cruise Lines and Chukka/Bakabush Tours left the Federation of Cruise Associations of Belize (FECTAB) crying foul spawned our last poll. FECTAB maintains that Chukka/Bakabush should not be allowed to hold such a contract in Belize because it is largely owned by foreign […]

Two men freed of murder charge

Two of five men—accused of the October second, 2009 murder of 20-year-old Randy Coye—walked free when Chief Magistrate Margaret Gabb McKenzie upheld a submission made by the men’s defense attorney.  Twenty-three year old Brandon Smith, twenty year old Kenroy Humes, twenty one year old Leon Gray, twenty three year old Deshawn Mena, and twenty seven […]

Eight years for snatching woman’s chain

He scored a gold chain worth a hundred and twenty-five dollars when he robbed Virginia Mendez on January twenty-seventh. But thirty-six year old Fernando Elijio now has to pay for his crime and the price is eight years in prison. His conviction came after three witnesses, including Mendez, testified against him today. Mendez told the […]

Will Rural South Minister join San Pedro mayor against oil exploration?

The Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage has garnered support and membership from environmental groups as well as major stakeholders in industries that can be affected by an oil spill.  The call to ban offshore drilling has sparked vocal responses at meetings held in Caye Caulker and San Pedro by Oceana, one of the founding […]

Son speaks out against father’s gambling addiction

In countries like the United States, gambling is not permitted in most states. And that is because many communities are not prepared for the complications that normally follow gambling operations.  Several casinos operate at the Northern border and one is located along a popular strip in the Old Capital.  And anyone who has ever visited […]

Single and unemployed mother needs your help

The Poverty Alleviation report highlights the southernmost district of Toledo as being the area with the highest number of people beneath the poverty line nationally.  But residents of Belize City need to look no further than their neighbors in certain pockets of poverty to witness glaring examples of dire destitution in the Old Capital.   Today, […]

Singers ready for National Song Competition

At least twenty songs were submitted for the National Song competition and the artists are getting ready to take over the stage at the Memorial Park. That’s where the big showdown happens on Saturday at seven p.m., when a show of love for the country or a song that can move a crowd is worth […]

One performer will not take the stage

While most performers are touching up their gig for tomorrow, one artist has opted out of the competition after several ups and downs with the organizers. According to Melonie Gillett, the straw that broke the camel’s back came Wednesday night at rehearsal. Melonie Gillett, Singer “It says here all contestants have the option of performing […]

Julio and Vanesa, surgery and recovery before nuptial bliss

ulio Escalante and Vanesa Ramos—Channel Five’s reality wedding couple—had their plans derailed by an unfortunate traffic mishap on July seventh. Julio and Vanesa would have said their “I do’s” this Saturday, but instead of last minute preparations, today they were at the Belize Healthcare Partners Limited where doctors evaluated Julio’s progress to determine a date […]

Safiyyah’s groovy weekend party and entertainment updates

Do Fridays mean happy hour and clubbing for you? Do you want to dance to female DJs? If you do or just want to be in the know, then you should pay keen attention to Safiyyah for the weekend stats on all that’s hot. Hey I’m Safiyyah and this is What’s Happening Belize. The summer […]