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Home » August, 2012 You are currently browsing entries posted in: August, 2012

Coye Family now found Guilty of Money Laundering

The highly publicized money laundering case involving businessman Michael Coye and his daughter Melonie, who allegedly legitimized over a million dollars in ill-gotten funds concluded this afternoon in the Supreme Court. The case started three weeks ago and ended with a guilty verdict.  The Coyes, directors of Money Exchange International Ltd., as well as employees […]

Kaina Martinez runs proudly for Belize in Olympic Trial

For a moment this morning there was a glimmer of hope that Belize would make it big in female track and field at London 2012. Of the three athletes competing for the jewel, Kenneth Medwood will be competing in track and field semi-finals this Saturday while Eddermys Sanchez was eliminated on Sunday in judo in […]

“Baby Daddy” bites mom, breaks pint on baby and burns house

A family was left without a roof over their heads on Thursday night. A blaze quickly swept through the two-storey building completely destroying the structure and the belongings of Karen Willis and family. Willis claims it is a case of arson that involves domestic violence and the father of her child. News Five’s Jose Sanchez […]

Tourism Minister says land sale to Deputy P.M. Associate shady

In March just prior to the elections, we carried the story of a prime piece of property owned by Belize Water Services Limited in San Pedro that was cancelled and sold off to nineteen year old Alyssa Tun of Orange Walk Town. Tun paid two thousand five hundred dollars and thirty cents for a property […]

Land Grab in the West by Min. Rene Montero? Deputy P.M. responds

On Thursday night you heard Minister of Natural Resources, Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vegas’ also responded to why he gave his relatives, including two brothers, his daughter, a sister-in-law and a cousin, dozens of parcels of land. In case you missed it, Vega said he and his family aren’t “normal people”. He said he didn’t […]

More shootings in Old Capital

There are two shooting incidents to report tonight. The first happened at around two o’clock this afternoon in an alley on the Canal side of Sittee Street in the Old Capital.  According to eyewitnesses, two men approached the alley and opened fire at a group of women. The women ran for their lives as the […]

Former Governor of Mexico pleads guilty to drug trafficking

A protracted high profile case ended today when a former governor of Mexico pleaded guilty to drug trafficking. It’s a case that dates back to the 1990’s and has ties to Belize. The former governor, Mario Villanueva, was first convicted of money laundering in Mexico back in 2001; he spent six years in prison and […]

Honduran national, seeking medical treatment in Belize, sent home

In the local courts, a Honduran woman, who claims she came to Belize for medical reasons over three months ago, is being sent back to her country because she doesn’t have her documents in order. Forty-one year old Vilma Rodriguez Acosta, who has been living on East Collet Canal, was arrested on Thursday and handed […]

Cattle Sweep to certify disease-free beef

The exportation of cattle to Mexico through formal trade arrangements has been touted for some time, in fact as far back as 2010; the Prime Minister said it was a done deal. It has taken two years, but it appears that the initiative will come to fruition in about two months. But for the local […]

A book for love of cricket

Dean Lindo is well known as an attorney. But in his spare time Lindo has always been an avid fan of cricket. The West Indian game is popular throughout the Caribbean and has a foot in Belize. The glory days of the sport are long gone in this country, but there is some hope by […]

K.H.M.H. gets into the summer camp business

The annual K.H.M.H. summer camp culminated today with a ceremony held at the K.H.M.H.’s parking lot. It’s the second of its kind that targets primarily children of staff members and teaches them, not medical information on the public hospital, but rather skills in music, artwork and storytelling. At least twenty-five children attended the five-week camp; […]

NEMO keeps an eye on Ernesto

As we go into the weekend, information coming out of the National Hurricane Center Forecast is that Tropical Storm Ernesto is expected to become a hurricane by Monday morning. T.S. Ernesto will continue moving across the Eastern and Central Caribbean Sea and is predicted to head toward the Gulf of Mexico. The forecast is showing […]

Miss Mexico wins Costa Maya Pageant

There is a new Reina de la Costa Maya and she is Natalia Villanueva from Mexico. The weekend of festivities commenced on Thursday night with the international pageant in La Isla Bonita. Eight beauties from the seven Central American Countries and Mexico competed in national and cultural costume, swimwear, formal wear and final answer. After […]