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P.U.P. – 2, G.O.B. – 0, No Referendum on April Tenth

Both the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal were in session today as Belizeans waited anxiously for what is to happen on April tenth. Would the referendum stand?  We will have full coverage of this extraordinary day from the ruling of the court to a late evening press conference by the prime minister.  The […]

A Renewed Call for a Bipartisan Approach to I.C.J. Referendum

Opposition Leader John Briceño has taken the opportunity, following the decision of the Court of Appeal this evening, to call on Prime Minister Barrow to return to the bipartisan approach in dealing with the I.C.J. referendum.  While he did not gloat in the consecutive legal victory against government, Briceño pointed out that the Barrow administration […]

PM Barrow: “We will not be having a referendum on Wednesday, April tenth”

Immediately after the ruling of the Court of Appeal upholding the injunction, the Prime Minister held a lengthy press conference at the Laing Building. P.M. Dean Barrow accepted that the referendum would not proceed on Wednesday.   Prime Minister Dean Barrow “We will not be having a referendum on Wednesday April the tenth. I am […]

G.O.B. Looks to the C.C.J. for Possible Appeal

So what the government’s next move? More litigation….According to Prime Minister Dean Barrow, the government will be looking at the Caribbean Court of Justice for another appeal, though that appeal is not likely to be launched ahead of April tenth. Though the Court of Appeal upheld the injunction, the P.M. also said that he believed […]

G.O.B. Will “Fix” the Law

Many observers have been asking why the Barrow Administration hasn’t taken the matter to the House of Representatives to fix what he described as the possible mischief that the Chief Justice flagged when coming to his decision to issue the injunction. Here is how PM Barrow explained it.   Prime Minister Dean Barrow “Well the […]

Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte Outlines G.O.B.’s Appeal

For context of the day’s proceedings, when the session opened this morning, submissions were made by the government side as to why the appeals court should hear the matter expeditiously based on the rules of procedure. Those submissions took all morning and when the court adjourned at midday, Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte provided an update […]

Chief Elections Officer in Contempt of Court?

Was Chief Elections Officer Josephine Tamai in contempt of court last Wednesday when she sent out a memo following the CJ’s decision to grant an interim injunction?  Senior Counsel Eamon Courtenay put forward in his submissions this afternoon that Tamai’s actions by instructing members of staff to proceed with referendum preparations, despite the Supreme Court […]

Weighing the Options of a Reserved Court of Appeal Judgment

The Attorney General also told the media that the urgency on proceeding with the April tenth referendum was simply because a great deal of time and resources has already been expended on getting to this point of preparedness. Peyrefitte, however, agreed that if the referendum has to be put on hold, government was also looking […]

U.D.P. Stalwarts Ready to Go to the Polls

According to AG Peyrefitte, the membership of the United Democratic Party has been expressing its readiness to go to the polls.  Of course, this was prior to the Court of Appeal’s decision late this evening.  While he did not comment on the controversy surrounding Belizeans in Diaspora, Peyrefitte spoke on those U.D.P. stalwarts who returned […]

Belizean Law Enforcement Detained in Guatemala for Firearm Offences

A Belizean police officer and a member of the Coast Guard are two of four men who remain in detention in Livingston, Guatemala. The four Belizeans: thirty-three-year-old police officer, Fabian Laurie, twenty-five-year-old Coast Guard officer Pedro Colomer, thirty-four-year-old Kevin Edwin Hernandez, and twenty-eight-year-old Jerille Jerome Laurie were detained on Saturday night. The National Civil Police […]

Who Ordered the Release of 12 Guatemalan Men? FIU Speaks!

Twelve Guatemalan nationals were released last weekend, soon after they were detained with a huge amount of U.S. dollars. The group was in a vessel near Moho Caye in the southern waters when they were intercepted by the coastguard and handed over to the Belize Police Department. Their release has come under scrutiny for various […]

Wanted by Interpol, Argentinean Alberto Samid is Expelled from Belize

In the aftermath of a red alert by the International Criminal Police Organization for Alberto Samid, the seventy-one-year-old was detained in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. Samid, who is wanted in Argentina for tax evasion, reportedly made his way to Belize after he escaped his country through Paraguay. Samid, who goes by the name “King of […]

Shot in the Foot; Police Investigate Gun Violence in the City

But is the shooting of Warrior connected to another that occurred around this morning at a barracks located at the corner of Sarstoon and Ebony Streets? Around eight-thirty a.m., a gunman fired a single shot at a group of persons standing in the area. The men scattered for their lives, but unfortunately Keith Courtenay Junior […]

Carmelita Resident Shot While Walking in Back-a-Town

There was gun violence over the weekend in Belize City, both incidents in proximity of each other and in a well-known gang territory. It started as early as Friday night on Sarstoon Street; a Carmelita resident remains in critical condition tonight at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital after he was shot to the face. Why […]

Over 7,000 Students Sit Day 1 of P.S.E.

Over seven thousand students across the country sat part one of the Primary School Examinations today. Of that number, one hundred and sixty-five students were provided with special arrangements to sit the exam. The students took the English and Science exams today which included multiple choice questions and two writing components. We stopped by some […]

Beat Down Leaves Man in Critical Condition

A Belize City construction worker is in a critical condition after he was brutally beaten in Crooked Tree Village over the weekend. According to Elton Baiza’s family, he went to Crooked Tree for work and on Saturday night he was socializing during festivities in the village. But sometime between one and four-thirty on Sunday morning, […]

Official Report: Rudy Morales Died from Fluid Inhalation

There is official word on the death of Rudy Morales of San Ignacio. The nineteen-year-old had been reported missing for two days, and last Tuesday, his body was found floating in the Mopan River in Benque Viejo Del Carmen. Morales was last seen alive by relatives when he left home on March twenty-ninth and on […]

Investigations Continue into Human Remains Found in Los Lagos

Are the human remains found in the dried up lagoon behind the Los Lagos community that of eighty-three-year-old Hubert Richards? On April fourth, just before one p.m., human bones of an elder person were discovered scattered in a twenty feet diameter. Police also discovered a denture, a pair of black silk socks, and a gray […]

Thieves Target A.C. Construction’s Payroll

A huge sum of money was stolen on Saturday afternoon from A.C. Construction on San Pedro. Around three p.m., the manager, Carlos Jex, was targeted by armed thieves while inside his office in the San Pablo area of the island town. With their faces covered, one of thieves robbed Jex of twenty thousand Belize dollars, […]

Chopping in San Ignacio Leaves 1 Man Hospitalized

An outing in Santa Elena Town on Friday night turned violent. Two friends were out drinking, when around ten p.m., their celebration became violent and within minutes one of them was chopped multiples times in the head with a machete. Daniel Castellanos was viciously injured and rushed to the San Ignacio Hospital where he remains […]

NICH and Marti Institute in Cuba to Partner on Research

Belize and Cuba want to find out more about their historical connections. And to do this, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding today that will see intensive research, cross cultural exchange and other collaborations of similar interests through workshops and projects over a four-year period. NICH and the Cuban Embassy in Belize held a short […]

The Weekend in Sports with James Adderley

Good evening, I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday   [Highlights of the weekend sporting activities…]