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Still No Formal Resignation from Patrick Faber

On Monday, the U.D.P. Leader and Leader of the Opposition, Patrick Faber, made breaking news after making a public announcement that he will step down from the post effective January thirty-first.  The decision comes on the heels of the latest allegations of domestic abuse by Faber, made by his fiancée Doctor Shanika Arnold last week. […]

Finding a New Leader of the U.D.P. & Leader of the Opposition

So, with his official departure taking effect in the next five days, U.D.P. Chairman Michael Peyrefitte was asked if they will be looking for a party leader or a Leader of the Opposition or both.   Michael Peyrefitte, Chairman, U.D.P. “There’s nothing wrong with two separate persons holding two separate roles. They are very separate […]

Tracy Panton: “I’m Ready!”

Although Belize has never had a woman as leader of a major political party, the U.D.P’s former deputy leader, current Albert constituency Area Representative, Tracy Panton, has indicated that she is ready to take up the mantle of the party’s leadership. Panton said today that she is also ready to double up as the Leader […]

Shyne Barrow for U.D.P. Leader

Just before midday today, former Leader of the Opposition and Mesopotamia area rep, Shyne Barrow, announced his bid for the leadership of the United Democratic Party on his Facebook page. The post comes less than twenty-four hours after Patrick Faber in a public statement said he would tender his resignation as leader of the U.D.P. […]

Did Tracy and Shyne Jump the Gun?

While two sitting area reps, Tracy Panton and Shyne Barrow, have publicly announced they are interested in replacing Patrick Faber as the leader of the U.D.P., News Five has been reliably informed by operatives within the party that a third person might be throwing his hat into the ring. But, the question is whether Panton […]

Hugo Patt Will Become Interim Leader of the U.D.P.

News Five spoke via phone to deputy party leader and Corozal North area representative, Hugo Patt, this morning. Patt expressed that he has no interest in becoming leader of the United Democratic Party. But according to U.D.P. Chairman Michael Peyrefitte, he may not have a choice. The party regulations sets out that Patt, as the […]

Brodie’s, Marie Sharp Containers Caught up in Strike

Operations at the Port of Belize have been at a standstill since last Thursday, and now businesses across the country are beginning to feel the effects. Major importers like James Brodies Limited are facing delays. Meanwhile stalled containers and exporters like Marie Sharp and A.S.R./B.S.I. are also in a jam unable to move their products […]

C.W.U.: Privatization Was “Original Sin” at Port

And, at this point, businesses being affected by the standstill at the Port of Belize may want to begin taking a serious look at their contingency plans because the Christian Workers Union and stevedores are showing no signs of letting up. Evan “Mose” Hyde, President of the Christian Workers Union, held a press conference in […]

C.W.U. Says Stevedores Just Want to Earn a Living

In response to a question on the plight of the import/export industry, and the challenges being faced by local companies that are heavily reliant on port activities, President Hyde had to this to say.    Evan ‘Mose” Hyde, President, C.W.U. “We are not saying that these are ideal situations. What we are saying is that […]

B.N.T.U. and P.S.U. Stand With C.W.U.

The C.W.U. received support from the Belize National Teachers Union and the Public Service Union today. Elena Smith, President of B.N.T.U., says the teachers understand the stevedore’s situation.   Elena Smith, President, B.N.T.U. “As Unions, we always support our sisters and our brothers. We do not interfere in the work of our fellow Union brothers […]

Panton Counting on U.D.P. Delegates Heading Into Leadership Campaign

Earlier in the newscast, we brought you U.D.P. Area Representative, Tracy Panton, saying she is ready to take over the party leadership. During that interview this afternoon, she also told News Five she is aware the campaign leading into the leadership contest could get testy and even dirty.  But, she hopes that the party’s five […]

Panton Says Patrick Remaining in Collet is the Constituents’ Prerogative

While she plans to dig deep and become battle-ready to take on perhaps the most arduous challenge in her political career, Panton says the next big challenge thereafter, if she is successful, would be making her party truly united. And, whether or not Faber remains in Collet would not be a decision for her to […]

Joint Unions to Review Economic Data with G.O.B.

Thе Јоіnt Unіоn nеgоtіаtіng tеаm is ѕсhеdulеd tо mееt with the Government of Belize counterparts on Wednesday. B.N.T.U. President, Elena Smith, says they are looking forward to hearing the data that will be presented on where Belize currently stands economically. Most importantly, they want to see if their ten percent pay cut can be reinstated […]

UNHCR Responds About Venezuelans Who Left Facility

The United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR, has responded to questions from News Five about the recent incident involving eight Venezuelan nationals who have reportedly left Belize and crossed into Mexico.  According to the refugee agency, seeking asylum is a fundamental human right, enshrined in Article fourteen of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UNHCR has […]

Senator Smith: “We Must Call Out Domestic Violence No Matter Who it Is”

Elena Smith, the senator responsible for trade unions and civil society, is adding her voice to those condemning domestic violence. When we caught up with Senator Smith at an event in Belize City today, we asked her for comments on the recent allegations against her parliamentary colleague, Patrick Faber.    Elena Smith, Senator, Trade Union […]

Kristina Romero’s Story: Domestic Abuse Does Not Discriminate

A number of organizations have come forward over the past few days, condemning domestic violence and urging support for victims. This morning on Channel Five’s Open Your Eyes, Kristina Romero of Hope Haven spoke about why it is so hard for people on the outside-looking-in to understand why women simply do not leave, especially if […]

Victims of Abuse Face Stigma and Shaming

Romero also spoke about how those in abusive relationships are stigmatized, even blamed for somehow provoking the abuse. She says social media comments being made about Dr. Shanika Arnold, the fiancé of Patrick Faber, remind her of what she was told about her own relationship twenty years ago.    Kristina Romero, Raise Me Up “It […]

SSB Investments in Shrimp; Citrus Export Drop

The latest data shows citrus was the only major export to go down in 2021, mainly due to a reduction in orange concentrate exports. Since citrus is a main area of Social Security Board investments, News Five asked S.S.B.’s C.E.O., Deborah Ruiz, about the impact on the S.S.B. portfolio, and what other areas they are […]

Meet the Male Senior National Football Team

The Football Federation of Belize held its first press conference for 2022 virtually today. It was to present the members of the male senior national team which will be leaving the country on Wednesday en route to Nicaragua for a friendly match. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.   Duane Moody, Reporting Twenty-two athletes were chosen […]

Upcoming International Football Matches

The senior male national team departs Belize for Nicaragua this week to participate in its first international friendly match on January twenty-ninth.  F.F.B.’s Technical Director, Philip Marin, shared details via zoom of the upcoming matches, the first of which is on Friday.   Philip Marin, Technical Director, Football Federation of Belize “We have commenced training […]

Senior Women’s National Team Preparing for C.O.N.C.A.C.A.F. Qualifier

  Philip Marin, Technical Director, Football Federation of Belize “Our senior women – they continue their preparation for the 2022 C.O.N.C.A.C.A.F. Qualifiers. They will be playing two matches in February in El Salvador. On the sixteenth of February, they will be playing El Salvador in El Salvador and on the twentieth of February, they will […]

U.N.C.A.F. Championship to be Hosted in Belize

Simultaneously in April, the under-twenty men’s national team will be participating in the U.N.C.A.F. Championship, a regional competition that will be hosted in Belize.   Philip Marin, Technical Director, Football Federation of Belize “For our U-20 men, they will be participating in the U.N.C.A.F. Championship which will be held here in Belize; we will be […]