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Home » June, 2023 You are currently browsing entries posted in: June, 2023

Luis Beaton is Murdered in Saint Martin’s Area of Belize City

Two murders were recorded over the weekend. The body of missing witness, Iran “Basco” Jones was reportedly discovered in a shallow grave in Biscayne Village on Saturday. We’ll have that story for you next. But we begin our newscast with the murder of Luis Beaton, a cook at Chon Saan Palace, who was gunned down […]

Body Found in Shallow Grave in Biscayne

He went missing about two weeks ago and on Saturday afternoon, someone passing through a freshly-surfaced feeder road in Biscayne Village stumbled upon the decomposing of human remains believed to be those of thirty-year-old Iran “Basco” Jones. The Belize City resident had just relocated to Hattieville after he had testified in the murder trial of […]

BHPL Cashier Robbed in Parking Lot

A daring robbery was carried out this morning in the parking lot of Belize Healthcare Partners Limited, here in the Old Capital, and investigators are trying to determine if it may have been orchestrated from within.  According to the cashier, she was about to leave the medical facility to make a deposit when she was […]

RTA on Lemonal Road Claims Juan Charlesworth’s Life

A Notice of Intended Prosecution has been served on a bus driver after fatally knocking down a cyclist in Lemonal Village over the weekend.  Thirty-seven-year-old Juan Charlesworth lost his life on Saturday when he was ran over by a commuter bus driven by Elvis Dawson.  The tragic incident happened along the road leading to the […]

Body Recovered from Sea Near Dock in San Pedro

The lifeless body of an unidentified man was retrieved from the Caribbean Sea beneath a dock in San Pedro.  This morning, just after five o’clock, law enforcement officers on the island were called to an area on the island where they made the discovery.   ACP Hilberto Romero, Regional Commander, Eastern Division “On Monday, June […]

Royal Caribbean Group Responds to Shyne Barrow

The Royal Caribbean Group, one of three parties that have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the construction of Port of Magical Belize, has responded to a letter written by Opposition Leader Shyne Barrow several weeks ago.  On Friday, R.C.G.’s Vice President of Destination Development, Joshua Carroll wrote to Barrow addressing several concerns that […]

Minutes of NEAC Meeting Raised Concerns about PMB and Manatees

In other news related to the proposed Port of Magical Belize development, News Five has obtained a copy of the minutes of a meeting held in February 2021 by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee, NEAC.  The meeting convened three months after the Briceño administration took office was attended by twenty-three members of the working group, […]

Essential Services Tribunal Reconvened to Address C.W.U./P.B.L. Dispute

This Friday, June thirtieth would have been the deadline for a notice of strike issued by the Christian Workers Union on behalf of stevedores. The notice was sent to the Minister of Labour as negotiations had broken down between the union and Port of Belize Limited over the interpretation of the Essential Services Arbitration Tribunal […]

Intervention to Avoid Disruption of Essential Service

The reconvening of the Essential Services Tribunal, via its act, disallows for any industrial action on the part of the stevedores and likewise the port from “locking out” the stevedores from doing their jobs. Labour Minister Oscar Requeña says that his ministry has been monitoring the situation because the services play a crucial role in […]

Arson in Mahogany Heights

There were several fires reported over the weekend in San Pedro, Belize City and Mahogany Heights. In the case of the fire in Mahogany Heights, it is being investigated as a case of arson, as surveillance footage has been recovered and a possible motive established. Today, News Five spoke with the owner of the property […]

Belize City Elderly Man Homeless after Fire Guts Home

In Belize City, sixty-four-year-old Anthony Mortis is without a roof over his head after the small wooden structure he lived in was destroyed by fire in the wee small hours of Saturday. Mortis lived in a ten-by-ten structure, located behind his sister’s house on Cemetery Road, next to La Popular Bakery. He’s a diabetic and […]

SICA & CARICOM Hold Economic and Political Dialogue in Belize

Earlier today in Placencia, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade for the Central American Integration System, SICA, and CARICOM held an economic and political dialogue.  The discussion comes as part of a series of meetings being held under Belize’s pro tem presidency of SICA.  This morning, Assistant Secretary General for CARICOM, Wayne McCook addressed […]

Foreign Minister Courtenay Addresses SICA/CARICOM Gathering

Foreign Minister Eamon Courtenay also addressed meeting and spoke of the importance of the Caribbean region, as well as the need to protect its rich marine resources.   Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs “Each of our countries is blessed with the bounty of the Caribbean Sea.  Fringing coral reef, attractive beaches, warm crystal clear […]

Entrepreneurial Training for 40 Women of Freetown Constituency

Forty women, particularly single mothers who live in the Freetown Constituency, will have a chance to receive valuable training that could ensure some level of independence. The opportunity comes through the opening of the Freetown Women’s Group Business Camp, with funding provided by Taiwan under the Belize-Taiwan Women Empowerment Project. The Taiwan Technical Mission in […]

Canon Leroy Flowers Dies at Age 74

Canon Leroy Flowers, who has led Saint Mary’s Parish for more than four decades, has passed away. The well-known religious leader had been battling a form of bone cancer for over a year, but over the past month, developed an infection that he never recovered from. Late this evening the Ministry of Religious Affairs issued […]

Who will Replace Canon Flowers at St. Mary’s Church?

Canon Flowers served on several boards and made numerous contributions over the four decades that he has led Saint Mary’s Church. Edgar Flowers informed that Bishop Phillip Wright will decide who will replace Canon Flowers in leading Saint Mary’s Parish. Over the last few weeks that he has been very ill, Reverend Linda Moguel has […]