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Home » February, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: February, 2005

6 candidates seek 2 slots for PUP Deputy Leader

It’s convention time for the ruling Peoples United Party and this Sunday’s national gathering should be one of the most interesting since the election of Said Musa as party leader in 1996. Despite his recent challenges from within and without, there is little chance of a serious threat to Musa’s leadership…but the two posts of […]

P.M. heads to Suriname for CARICOM summit

Even if he wanted to campaign for a favourite Deputy Prime Minister Said Musa would have a difficult task. He left today for the CARICOM Intercessional Summit in Suriname and won’t be back in the country until Friday. Dominating the meeting will be the implementation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy and the establishment […]

Two neighbourhoods claim police brutality

The Kraal Road and Majestic Alley neighbourhoods are on edge tonight after law enforcement operations this afternoon left some residents questioning the behaviour of police. According to an area resident, she was startled by a gunshot near her house around four this afternoon as police apparently tried to capture a suspect they were chasing. Not […]

City woman missing since Saturday

Tonight forty-year-old Hazel Elizabeth Morgan, co-owner of the Hanger CafĂ© at the municipal airstrip, remains missing after she disappeared from her home following an argument with her common-law-husband early Saturday morning. Today twenty-one year old Olivia Galvez told News 5 that she fears something bad has happened to her mother because otherwise she would have […]

NGOs criticize relaxation of fishing law

Tonight environmental organisations are up in arms over a government move in the fishing industry. According to the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is now being asked to reconsider a recently signed statutory instrument which would allow non-Belizeans the right to fish in Belizean waters. Advocacy Director of […]

YFF facilitates new attitudes for youth

It seems that every day the news is filled with reports of deadly violence, particularly involving young people. And while most of us can do little more than shake our heads and throw up our hands, one organisation continues to agitate for new attitudes by and toward our disaffected youths. Patrick Jones has more. Patrick […]

New hearing aids help Belizeans lead better lives

We don’t know if they’re listening to this newscast for the first time but today dozens of Belizeans are hearing better thanks to the donation of new hearing aids. News 5’s Jacqueline Woods was on hand for the fittings. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Shortly after nine this morning, six year old Ajawnie Swift arrived at the […]