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Nominations in for Municipal Elections; P.U.P. First Off the Mark with Confidence in City

As of this Wednesday evening, there are no longer aspirants, but candidates for the March seventh municipal elections. The process of nomination took place under overcast skies countrywide, with rain attending the marches of both the People’s United Party and United Democratic Party. But Mother Nature had only a negligible effect on the spirits of […]

Belize City P.U.P.’s Manifesto to be Launched

On Thursday, Belize City’s P.U.P. slate will gather at the Neal Pen Road basketball court to publicly launch their manifesto. But we got a bit of a preview from mayoral candidate Bernard Wagner after his nomination today. He explains that as part of a “people-centered” agenda the P.U.P. aims for financial reform in order to […]

U.D.P. Take Over Streets in Afternoon

In the afternoon, it was the turn of the United Democratic Party’s supporters to show their muscle in Belize City where just a week ago, the People’s United Party held a mammoth convention.  The U.D.P. brought out its top guns, including the Prime Minister and other ministers to make their presence felt, complete with bells […]

P.U.P. Wants Old Capital Scalp; U.D.P.’s Target Orange Walk

With just five seats to their name countrywide, any wins for the People’s United Party will be counted a success for party leader John Briceño. But the P.U.P. believes they have a serious shot in the Old Capital, which last voted a P.U.P. City Council fifteen years ago, in 2003.  To reverse the red tide, […]

Second Overnight Murder Claims Clinton Fitzgibbon in King’s Park

Forty-five-year-old Clinton Fitzgibbon of Eighth Street, Kings Park in the city was shot multiple times on Tuesday night. Fitzgibbon was along with his common-law-wife Dorita Wallace when a gunman walked up to them and opened fire on the unsuspecting couple. While Wallace was injured on the calf, Fitzgibbon did not survive the attack and perished […]

In Santa Elena, Residents Puzzle over Vicious Murder of Gian Espat

In the west, a twenty-four year old caretaker was savagely chopped to death. Gian Espat was found dead on Wednesday but was likely murdered two days earlier. His body, already decomposing, was discovered by a friend at the remote farm where he worked in the Trapiche area of Santa Elena. The last time he was […]

Co-Workers of Late Hermelinda Pinks Tell Story of Strained Marriage

Hermelinda Pinks, the slain wife of Jason Emmanuel, by all accounts was a woman of tremendous strength and fortitude. At the Coast Guard headquarters on the Western Highway where she worked as a supervisor, co-workers are attempting to come to terms with her shooting death on Saturday morning at the hands of her husband at […]

Guat Soldiers Make Detention in Belize but Did They Have Authority?

In foreign affairs news, there are sketchy details about an apparent incursion by Guatemalan soldiers into Belizean territory. The question tonight is what authority they had to act. In this case, the pretext was to arrest an alleged robber. Information to News Five is that a Guatemalan money changer was robbed of a large sum […]

2 Youths Acquitted of 2015 Cayo Murder

Two young men from the villages of Roaring Creek and Camalote were told on Monday in Supreme Court that they no longer had a case to answer on charges of murder. Twenty-one-year-old Damion Donovan Velasquez and twenty-year-old Justin Giovanni Banner were accused of killing teenager, sixteen-year-old Ivan Choc during a home invasion in Camalote Village […]

Political Parties’ Pageantry in Orange Walk

At the top of the newscast, we reported on the activities in the city where both parties pulled out their supporters in numbers.  Nominations to fill a total of sixty-seven seats were also a big event in the other municipalities. In Orange Walk, the P.U.P. is the considered the favourite where Mayor Kevin Bernard continues […]

Twin Towns Nomination Day Sedated

There are four mayoral hopefuls for the San Ignacio/Santa Elena Town Council; Marconi Matus of the P.U.P., Earl Trapp for the U.D.P.; Rudy Wade for the B.P.P. and Independent Candidate Lupita Ferguson. The P.U.P. and U.D.P. have full slates and they showed up with music, flags, chanting through the streets of the western towns. The […]

Who Else is on the Ballot?

The major parties, the People’s United Party and the United Democratic Party, submitted full slates of candidates for all nine municipalities, a total of one hundred and thirty-four nominees. But there are other candidates that were officially nominated across the country. The Belize Progressive Party is fielding candidates in five municipalities, including Belmopan, where Sam […]

Candidates for Belize City Mayor Participate in Evening Forum

The University of Belize has managed to persuade all four Belize City mayoral candidates to participate in a special debate which is ongoing at news time at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts. Appearing on stage will be Bernard Wagner (P.U.P.), Dion Leslie (U.D.P.), Paco Smith (B.P.P.), and Ernesto Torres (Independent). According to the […]

Education Minister Explains Subsidy Funding

The campaign season has been relentless with plenty mudslinging and besmirching candidates at every turn.  The People’s United Party has released an ad claiming that government is spending as much as two point four million dollars in tuition for tertiary students, in exchange for votes in favor of the ruling United Party.  The allegation is […]

Search Continues for New Contractor General, Integrity Commission Chair

The search continues for a new Contractor General to replace Godwin Arzu, and for a new head of the Integrity Commission to succeed Justice Marilyn Williams who has moved on to the Supreme Court. The two posts are important cogs in the oversight machine but Prime Minister Dean Barrow says the Contractor General is more […]

Michael Finnegan Talks Campaign Strategy in Mesop

Mesopotamia is historically a red constituency, controlled by career politician Michael Finnegan.  It is also one of the smallest electoral divisions within Belize City.  Despite its size, the mobilization of supporters was in full swing today, the enduring area representative bringing out as many as stalwarts to the U.D.P. rally.  Today, he shared his predictions […]

“Boots” Martinez Says He Can Still Deliver in Port

In Port Loyola, it would seem as though Area Representative ‘Boots’ Martinez’s popularity has been waning.  If one were to recall the voter turnout during the 2015 general elections, it is clear that his numbers were down considerably.  So does he still have what it takes to muster support on behalf of the U.D.P. Eleven […]