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Home » November, 2018 You are currently browsing entries posted in: November, 2018

B.N.T.U. Ready to Demonstrate

On the eve of a planned demonstration, the Belize National Teachers’ Union is finalizing preparations to bus teachers from its ten branches countrywide to Belmopan on Wednesday. The announcement was made last week after the relationship between the B.N.T.U. and the Ministry of Education turned sour following the breakdown of negotiations.  The B.N.T.U.’s main points […]

B.N.T.U. President Gives Education Minister an ‘F’

As B.N.T.U. National President, Senator Elena Smith explains the teachers have decided to demonstrate against DPM Patrick Faber and so following the rally, the teachers will converge in front of the Ministry of Education to drive home the point that they will not tolerate being disrespected.  So when Senator Smith was asked what the B.N.T.U. […]

B.N.T.U. Writes Prime Minister Over Proposal 22

Proposal Twenty-Two remains on the negotiating table between the Ministry of Education and the Belize National Teachers’ Union. Proposal Twenty-Two concerns grant-aided secondary schools where the teachers and support staff are paid seventy percent of their salary by the government while school managements pay the remaining thirty percent.  But according to B.N.T.U. President Senator Elena […]

Joint Utility Unions and the P.U.P. Come Out in Support of Teachers

Primary and secondary school teachers across the country are heading to the Capital as the B.N.T.U. gets into gear for Wednesday’s demonstration.  The union is also picking up support from other trade unions, including the utility workers.  Earlier today, the Joint Utility Unions, comprised of the Belize Energy Workers Union, Communications Workers Union and the […]

Third Man Arraigned for Murder of PC Osbourne Martinez

As the family of Police Constable Osborne Martinez prepares to lay him to rest this Saturday, a third member of the PIV gang was arraigned for his murder. Tarique Myles is the last of a trio to face murder charges. Martinez was killed in the line of duty when he was shot to the chest […]

Tracey Betancourt Charged for Murder of Lamont Lipka in San Pedro

A San Pedro woman is also spending her first night behind bars at the Central Prison in Hattieville. She was arraigned on Monday afternoon for the charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with the May thirteenth, 2018 killing of American restaurateur, Lamont “Monty” Lipka. The businessman from Texas, U.S.A. was inside […]

Clumsy Gunman Drops Weapon During Armed Robbery

Armed robberies remain unabated across the country, where thieves continue to prey on businesses, both big and small.  In Belmopan on Monday morning, forty-four-year-old Chinese businessman Hong Liang Li was relieved of three hundred dollars in cash when a lone gunman entered Tai Fu Store sometime around eleven-thirty.  The incident, which was captured on surveillance […]

DOE Lifts Stop Order Against Businessman Haisam Diab

Construction has resumed at Sand Lighter’s promenade in Belize City. A stop order issued by the Department of Environment in October to businessman Haisam Diab has been lifted.  The letter advising Diab that construction can resume was sent on Monday and works are currently underway. The stop order was issued after DOE raised concerns over […]

Honduran National to be Deported

After spending one year and three months in Belize, Honduran national Jose Samuel Serrano Sanchez was ordered to be deported from Belize. But before he is deported, Sanchez must serve a five-month sentence if he cannot come up with the seven hundred dollar fine that was imposed on him.  According to the Immigration Department, Sanchez […]

Robert Leslie: ‘My Take on the Referendum in Belize – Food for Thought’

As the debate on whether Belize should take Guatemala’s claim to the I.C.J. for final resolution rages on, several political and social figures have weighed in on the matter. Now, Assad Shoman is known to support taking Guatemala’s claim to the I.C.J.; his literary works on the topic have provided significant insight as to why […]

Despite Public Row, Boots Remains a Team Player

In the buildup to Sunday’s convention, Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber and Area Representative Anthony ‘Boots’ Martinez were engaged in a heated exchange while on the campaign trail in Port Loyola.  The public spat among the cabinet colleagues left a bitter taste in the mouths of their supporters, particularly since each endorsed different candidates.  Faber […]

Faber to Boots – No Love Lost!

Despite the previous war of words between Faber and Martinez, they have pledged to continue working with each other, admitting that while they may not be bosom buddies, they are prepared to move past the incident in the interest of serving their constituents.   Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister “I have nothing personal against Minister […]

Boots is Looking Forward to Riding Off into the Sunset

The pending retirement of Anthony ‘Boots’ Martinez was previously announced by the four-time area representative on the night of November fifth, 2015, after narrowly defeating Gilroy Usher Senior in Port Loyola.  With November 2020 still two years away, he is already looking forward to hanging up his political gloves.  The U.D.P. ground commander, whose popularity […]

Pok Ta Pok, an Ancient but Re-emerging Sport in Belize

Whenever you hear about sports in Belize, you think about football, basketball, and volleyball. You even hear about cricket, but it’s a rare occasion when you hear about Pok-Ta-Pok. It might be an ancient Mayan ball game, but Pok-Ta-Pok is being played today by the ‘Black Jaguars’ of Yo Creek Village. The Pok Ta Pok […]

Changing Behaviors through Communication for Development

A three-day working session facilitated by United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF, is taking place in Belize City. Representatives from several institutions are being trained to expand their skills on communication for development. Communication development is a type of programmatic communication designed to achieve behavioral change in order to better the lives of citizens. […]

Belize Hosts SICA Meeting of Migration Directors

As part of its pro-tem presidency of the Central American Integration System, SICA, Belize is hosting a gathering of government officials from across the region.  The meeting of Migration Directors focuses on a number of issues that are relevant to member countries, including the Central American migrant caravans traveling from the Guatemala-Mexico border to the […]

GPS to Locate Crime Hotspots?

The Ministry of National Security, through the Belize Crime Observatory, received a donation of GPS equipment earlier today from the United Nations Development Programme.  The handing over of thirty-seven devices took place this morning and there to receive them was Chief Executive Officer George Lovell.  The donation succeeds a local training session on the use […]

Info Segura to Focus on Enhanced Governance and Citizen Security

According to UNDP Programme Specialist, Carla Zacapa, Belize is part of a broader regional initiative known as Info Segura which is a form of evidence-based information management.  U.S. AID also partnered with the Ministry of National Security and U.N.D.P. for the donation of the equipment.   Carla Zacapa, Officer in Charge, UNDP “On behalf of […]