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Home » October, 2019 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2019

Sedi Loses Progresso Heights Case in High Court

The court ruled today against Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington in a long standing case involving more than a hundred parcels of land held by Progresso Heights Limited.  Elrington owns shares in the company; the other shareholders are U.S. citizens Lawrence Schneider and his son, Adam.  While he did not show up in court for the […]

The Case of Danny Mason et al is Adjourned

There is another case that has been before the court for some time.  It involves the murder charge against William “Danny” Mason and four other accused men. This morning, it was adjourned yet again. Today, defense attorneys received email confirmation that the case has been set to reconvene on October eighteenth, 2019. Mason and four […]

Kenrick Reneau is Shot; Police Say Burglary Tools Found Inside Suspicious Vehicle

Just after five this morning a police patrol pursued a vehicle carrying a known criminal figure. That patrol chased the vehicle until it came to a stop when it crashed into a lamp post. The men ran off but police were able to detain the driver and that well-known figure. The man was identified as […]

Russel Reyes Recovering from Gunshot

Police say that a man who was shot on Tuesday night around ten-thirty in Belize City is recovering in the hospital. According to Senior Superintendent Hilberto Romero, no one has been detained for the shooting of Russell Reyes.   Sr. Supt. Hilberto Romero, Deputy Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch “Police visited the Karl Huesner Memorial […]

Belize City Woman Recounts Her Terrible Ordeal at the K.H.M.H.

Twenty-nine-year-old Tracy Mackinnon says that the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital is giving her a hard time to settle a claim against the national referral hospital.  In May 2017, Mackinnon was admitted to the Emergency Department of the K.H.M.H. after she was experiencing abdominal pain while seven months pregnant.  She was later sent to the maternity […]

Tracy Mackinnon Says K.H.M.H.A. Playing Hardball

The original offer was increased to seventeen thousand dollars but the settlement has not been completed as yet. According to Mackinnon, she was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and the K.H.M.H.A. has failed to recognize her diagnosis.   Tracy Mackinnon, Complainant “I started to go through that depression and all of that. It is […]

Kerosene Goes Up By Five Cents at Midnight

The cost per gallon of kerosene goes up by five cents at midnight, to seven dollars and forty-two cents.  The nominal increase reflects the current demand and supply conditions of crude oil on the international market, as well as fluctuations in the cost of purchasing refined fuel products.  Prices for premium and regular gasoline and […]

Researchers from the University of Florida Conduct a Water Quality Assessment of the Entire New River

The state of the New River has been showing some signs of recovery with some help from the rains, but tests are still being conducted to determine the quality of the water. Over the past months, businesses, residents and students were impacted by the adverse condition of the river.  Researchers from the U.S. have been […]

Police Continue to be Trained as Part of M.O.H.’s Mental Health Operational Plan

The death of Nestor Vasquez Junior in July following a violent attack inside a holding cell at the Queen Street Police Station, has brought into sharp focus the need for additional support when it comes to dealing with mental health patients. Vasquez was placed inside the cell with a mentally ill person who was taken […]

Acute Units for Mental Patients at Public Hospitals in the Pipeline

Vasquez’s family issued a release earlier this week. In the aftermath of death of the sixty-year old and the celebration of World Mental Health Day, the family is asking that G.O.B. “takes decisive action and commits to the establishment of an acute unit at the K.H.M.H. to provide short-term urgent care to persons experiencing an […]

Gasoline Thief to Spend One Month in Jail

A fuel thief is serving a month-long sentence at the Belize Central Prison after he was busted stealing ten gallons of gasoline in San Pedro.  On Monday, twenty-four-year-old Nicholas Reyes was caught red-handed making off with a quantity of fuel belonging to Alfonso Wilshire.  Reyes was pursued by a pair of men whom he was […]

NEMO Issues Precautionary Notice on Predicted Tropical System

The National Emergency Management Organization has issued an early precautionary notice after ongoing computer models are predicting that a tropical system could develop within the region. According to the release, the system may develop somewhere near to Honduras/Nicaragua by the weekend or early next week. This afternoon we called the National Met Service and were […]

Senator Lizarraga Says G.O.B. Spending is Out of Control

The IMF’s preliminary report on Belize’s economic says that the recovery is moving at a glacial space. During the first three months of the year, the G.D.P. grew by an unusual five point two percent. The second quarter, however, recorded a zero point eight percent decline.  Officials from the International Monetary Fund were in Belize […]

Attorney Offers Services to Collect Joshua Perdomo’s Debt

The debate got testy among Senators on Wednesday when Write-off Number Two Motion was introduced. The write-off is for forty thousand dollars owed to the Government of Belize by Joshua Perdomo, son of Cabinet Secretary Carlos Perdomo. Perdomo was approved twenty-seven months of study leave to pursue a Master’s degree in Forensic Genetics at the […]

Legislation to Address E.U. Blacklisting Passed by Senate

An important piece of legislation that went before the Senate on Wednesday as passed to get rid of the blacklisting by the European Union that hangs over Belize. The European Union determined in March to blacklist Belize as a tax haven. The E.U. says that Belize has significant shortfalls when it comes to laws that […]

MAR Countries Meet to Find Common Ways to Restore the Reef

On Wednesday night, we told you about the two-day Reef Restoration Network’s second biennial meeting being held in Belize. It closed off today. The purpose of the meeting is for Mexico, Belize, Honduras and Guatemala to exchange information about the advances and challenges they have in restoring the reef. News Five’s Reporter Andrea Polanco tells […]

“Change Dah Story” Challenge

Several agencies, including the Inter-American Bank and Complete Caribbean, have partnered to conduct a new social innovation challenge in Belize known as ‘Chang Dah Story.’ The challenge was launched today and seeks to support the development of solutions to address social and environmental problems that the vulnerable youth population is facing. Participants will be challenged […]

World Mental Health Day Focuses on Suicide Prevention among the Youth

Mental Health manifests itself in various forms and can affect just about everyone, but only ten percent of the population receive mental health care in the country. That is because few people will take time to deal with this health condition. Today, on the occasion of Mental Health Day, the focus is on preventing suicide […]

Suicides Stats: Men at Extreme Risk for Various Reasons

Statistics show that thirty-one persons in 2018 committed suicide in Belize; the majority were among the youth population and primarily men. To every female suicide death, seven men die. And to every male that attempts to commit suicide, three females have done the same. For 2018, there were three hundred and twenty suicide attempts registered […]

Healthy Living Goes Inside the Welcome Resource Center

Today we celebrate World Mental Health Day. Several activities were planned in commemoration, including a speech contest we heard about earlier in the newscast. On October, twenty-sixth, the Mental Health Association will host a fundraising banquet and this Saturday, the Welcome Resource Center is hosting its second annual sleep out. In tonight’s Healthy Living, we […]