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Supreme Court Denies Application for Injunction against P.B.L.

The Supreme Court has handed down a major decision in respect of the situation at the Port of Belize. It has denied the injunction brought by the Attorney General’s Office to stay the termination of the thirty-six employees of P.B.L.  That’s the decision that Justice Sonya Young handed down this morning. Justice Young also rejected […]

C.W.U. Says All is Not Lost!

Following the court’s proceedings, attorney Anthony Sylvester spoke on behalf of the Christian Workers Union. Now, the matter that was before the court today wasn’t taken by the C.W.U. and its members – that was strictly the AG on behalf of the Labour Commissioner. In this matter, the C.W.U. was solely an interested party.  Sylvester […]

3 Senior Police Officers are Placed on Administrative Leave

Three senior police officers have been placed on administrative leave following the series of riotous activities that happened at the Port of Belize’s compound on Wednesday. Those officers, in this first instance, have been placed on five days administrative leave. They are Eastern Division Commander, ACP Alden Dawson; Region One Commander Senior Superintendent Daniel Dawson […]

Outline of Preliminary Investigation into GSU

So, what has the preliminary investigation revealed about what happened at the Port of Belize compound on Wednesday? Deputy Commissioner of Police Dezerie Philips-Magdaleno shares the sequence of events that happened, which ultimately led to the GSU confronting workers of the Port of Belize and injuring several persons. In a nutshell, there appears to have […]

ComPol Sounds Off on Officers’ Actions at P.B.L.

The Commissioner of Police Chester Williams also spoke on the sequence of events that transpired that led up to the GSU’s actions on the grounds of the Port of Belize. Williams says that a breakdown in communication but there also appears to have been a breakdown in chain of command when the GSU was deployed. […]

PM on the State of Affairs at the Port of Belize

As the court was handing down its ruling on the injunction and reinstatement, the Prime Minister made a statement on the state of affairs in the House this morning.  Now, the Port of Belize maintains that its property was vandalized on Wednesday during an illegal protest by C.W.U. members inside its compound. It has also […]

Johnny Briceño Calls Out U.D.P. Hypocrisy

Opposition Leader John Briceño also chimed in on the events of the past two days at the Port of Belize Ltd.  He points to the two-facedness of the Barrow administration for coming to the aid of the Christian Workers Union from a legal perspective, but siccing the Gang Suppression Unit on its members who were […]

Blue Creek State of Emergency is Lifted

The state of emergency that prohibited movement in and out of the communities of Blue Creek and San Felipe in Orange Walk District have been lifted, as those villages now return to a sense of normalcy having been locked down since July tenth.  The S.O.E. came into force two weeks ago, amid an increase in […]

Another COVID-19 Cluster in Orange Walk District

There is another COVID-19 cluster in the Orange Walk District. Four new cases were reported on Thursday night. A family of four, two adults and two minors tested positive for the novel coronavirus.  They are border jumpers and just before our newscast tonight, another case of COVID-19 was confirmed. The fifth case is another family […]

5 Cases Linked to COVID-19 Cluster in Orange Walk District

As we said, these five cases are a cluster linked to illegal crossings along the Orange Walk District. According to Doctor Manzanero, for now, there are no identified close contacts of them or any other family members that are considered highly suspect. Health officials, however, will continue to verify every bit of information provided as […]

Border Jumpers Can Cause COVID-19 Community Spread

And in a report just in, two more persons were caught entering Belize illegally this morning. They are two men who came through the illegal border crossing in Santa Cruz Village in the north. Information to News Five is these two men have been in Mexico for about six months. The duo was swabbed and […]

An Armed Robbery at B&B Ladyville Sales Centre

There was an armed robbery at the Bowen and Bowen Ladyville Sales Centre on Thursday evening. Around six-thirty p.m., the employees at the centre, located on the factory compound near Price Barracks, were held up at gunpoint by a pair of robbers who somehow gained access to the compound. The employees were tied up and […]

CJ Rules in Favour of Lord Ashcroft to Provide Expert Input in Redistricting Case

This morning in the Supreme Court ruled against the injunction filed by the Attorney General on behalf of the Ministry of Labour for the Port of Belize stevedores, and this afternoon the Chief Justice, Michelle Arana ruled in favour of the Interested Party in the Redistricting case, Lord Michael Ashcroft, to provide expert input in […]

Disparity in Electoral Divisions Affects People in Real-Life Situations

The defendants, represented in court by Attorney Samantha Matute of the Attorney General’s Ministry, argued against the appointment of the expert witnesses since it has not been determined whether the mal-apportionment of the number of voters from one constituency to another undermines the Constitution of Belize.  But Arthur Saldivar, attorney for the claimants, explained in more […]

Ronlee Petillo Gets Bail for Murder

Today, Supreme Court Justice Colin Williams granted bail to Ronlee Petillo, who is accused of the murder of Roger Banner.  Petillo’s attorney, Anthony Sylvestre argued that the petitioner has been remanded for longer than four years, a fact to which the prosecution, represented by Crown Counsel Riis Cattouse admitted.  Justice Williams granted Petillo bail of thirty […]

Accused Rapist Gets Bail

A man from Belize City who has been on remand on a charge of rape was today granted bail in the Supreme Court.   Curl Lino was given bail of eight thousand dollars, but he must stay away from the prosecution’s witnesses, not be charged with an indictable offense while this matter is still before the […]

P.U.P. Strongly Criticizes Boledo Contract Being Awarded to Brads

Back to the House and the lottery business.  Brads Gaming Group, a majority of whose shares are owned by an offshore company registered in Saint Lucia, has been awarded another ten-year contract to operate the nightly Boledo, as well as the Sunday Lottery Draw, in Belize.  The contract has stirred much controversy because the company’s […]

Stiffer Penalties for Tourist Who Do Not Adhere to COVID-19 Protocols Coming

In three weeks, the Philip Goldson International Airport will re-open for commercial flights from the US. Even as August fifteenth has been set as the date for the re-opening it is not a date set in stone because as Doctor Marvin Manzanero told News Five today, the situation is fluid. Border jumpers are posing a […]

B.T.I.A. Preparing for Reopening of Tourism Industry

The reopening of the P.G.I.A. is a matter of much public interest. Executive Director for the Belize Tourism Industry and Association John Burgos says that the majority of members support the resumption of commercial flights to Belize. But Burgos says that the decision is in the hands of the government. The Association is also of […]

Belize Tourism Industry and Association Charts the Way Forward

The Belize Tourism Industry and Association today hosted a forum under the theme, “Belize Tourism Industry: Charting a Way Forward.”  The event brought stakeholders together to prepare for the recovery of the tourism industry. Executive Director for B.T.I.A., John Burgos says that the forum is an efficient way to discuss various topics that are important […]

Francis Fonseca Raises Concerns About Schools Reopening

In the House today, former Minister of Education Francis Fonseca, while speaking on adjournment, raised the issue of the preparation of schools ahead of the start of the new academic year.  His concerns have to do with the tremendous responsibility being placed on principals and teachers without adequate training in how to go about managing […]

Innadynamics Graduates 60 Youths Who Will Now Be Gainfully Employed

A group of at-risk young men involved in various programmes will join the employment pool having completed a training programme with mediator Nuri Muhammad through his organization, Innadynamics Consultancy.  The intention is to integrate them into the tourism sector for gainful employment.  Today, a first cohort graduated from the programme and News Five attended the […]