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Joint Unions Plot Way Forward After Senate Passes Budget

The Joint Unions Negotiating Team met this afternoon in an extended virtual session, following the passage of the 2021 Budget in the upper house on Wednesday.  The way forward for the Belize National Teachers Union, the Association of Public Service Senior Managers and the Public Service Union is uncertain.  Wednesday’s vote in the Senate has […]

N.T.U.C.B. Responds to Former Attorney General

The National Trade Union Congress of Belize is refuting claims made by former Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte during an interview with News Five on Wednesday. Peyrefitte said the unions are partly to blame for the failure of the previous administration to enact the recommendations of the final country review by the United Nations on UNCAC.  […]

Senate Vote Divided, but Senator Coye Calls for Belizean Unity

Wednesday’s Senate debate on the 2021/2022 General Revenue Appropriation Bill ended in a division vote.  All six P.U.P. senators voted in favor of the Bill, as did the Senator for the Business Community, Kevin Herrera and Senator for the Churches, Bishop Alvin Benguche.  All three U.D.P. senators voted against the Bill, as did Senator for […]

Principal Arnold: Salary Cut is a Slap in the Face

Principal Karema Arnold has broken her silence on the salary cut and increment freeze for teachers and public officers.  Today, the staff over at Stella Maris School wore their green shirts, in solidarity with the Belize National Teachers Union.  Arnold told the media that the decision taken by G.O.B. is an affront to all those […]

Stella Maris to Reopen May 10th

As you know by now, about fifty schools reopened for in-person learning earlier this month, with another group set to start their phased-in approach on May tenth.  At the Stella Maris School in Belize City, preparations are underway for their re-opening in a couple of weeks. But even before then, teachers have been out doing […]

Senator Courtenay Calls Nature Conservancy Transaction a “Nefarious Deal”

Inside the Senate on Wednesday, Senator for Government Business Eamon Courtenay went into details about the land agreement between the Government of Belize and the Nature Conservancy.  In his presentation, Senator Courtenay referred to the transaction as a “scandal” and estimated that inclusive of stamp duty write-offs, land tax write-offs, and speculation tax write offs, […]

Wil Maheia Supports Nature Conservancy Transaction

While the Government and the Opposition clash over the Nature Conservancy transaction, at least one conservationist believes it is a boon for the people of Belize.  He spoke to News Five about how these protected areas are purchased, the tourism revenue they generate, and the management of such areas.   Wil Maheia, Conservationist “The way […]

Maheia Calls on N.G.O.s to back T.N.C.

Maheia is calling on N.G.O.’s, and former N.G.O. employees who are now government officials, to stand in support of The Nature Conservancy.  Maheia told News Five that while he does not endorse the way the former administration went about the agreement; it is not a bad deal.   Wil Maheia, Conservationist “N.G.O.’s need to stick […]

Senator Courtenay Questions Transaction at NICH

During the Senate budget debate, Government Business Senator Eamon Courtenay raised a questionable transaction made by the National Institute of Culture and History under the previous administration.   Eamon Courtenay, Senator for Government Business “We have found out a sick and sordid transaction that took place at the National Institute of Culture and History. A […]

Winemaker Knocked Down and Killed on the George Price Highway

A winemaker lost his life in a highway accident on Wednesday night.  Chester Requeña’s family always feared for his safety because he spent a lot of time traversing the stretch of highway where he was killed and last night their worst fears came true. Today, his family says that this is the third time he […]

Looking Back at the Cost of Living in March

The S.I.B. released its latest monthly figures on Wednesday indicated that Belize exported more than it imported in March.  The cost of living also inched its way upward as food and butane prices increased.  With a comprehensive look at the latest statistics here’s Isani Cayetano.   Isani Cayetano, Reporting In March, a total of one […]

Cabinet News Update

In cabinet news this week, the Minister of Health and Wellness, Michel Chebat reported that to date, forty thousand Belizeans have received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is in line with government’s plan to ensure that seventy percent of Belizeans, who wish to be vaccinated, are vaccinated by September.  Cabinet gave its […]

Autism Belize Hands Over Tablet to Non-Verbal Siblings

Today, a short handing over ceremony was held at Stella Maris School in Belize City.  Two non-verbal students, who were diagnosed with Hunter’s Syndrome, were gifted a tablet with an app that will help them to communicate at home and school. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.   Christy Castillo Almeida, Founder/Executive Chair, Autism Belize “Everyone […]

How Are Persons with Mental Health Conditions Coping with COVID-19?

With COVID restrictions, particularly mask wearing still in place, many Belizeans just sort of consider it all the new normal.  But what about those who have mental challenges, are homeless or elderly people without a support system? How are they coping during these difficult times?  Tonight News Five brings you a report by Open Your […]