Maheia Calls on N.G.O.s to back T.N.C.
Maheia is calling on N.G.O.’s, and former N.G.O. employees who are now government officials, to stand in support of The Nature Conservancy. Maheia told News Five that while he does not endorse the way the former administration went about the agreement; it is not a bad deal.
Wil Maheia, Conservationist
“N.G.O.’s need to stick their neck out for each other. TNC’s name is being dragged down the drain right now. And I think that N.G.O.s who benefit from TNC and who benefit from other donor organizations who need to stick their neck out. I mean you have people within the government who need to step up right now, who use to work for Nature Conservancy. People who were involved in similar deals when P.U.P. were not in, they were working for N.G.O.s. You could check the record.”
News Five understands that the United Democratic Party will be hosting a press conference at ten a.m. on Friday morning to discuss The Nature Conservancy transaction.