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Home » October, 2007 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2007

Chief Justice rules in favour of Maya rights

It’s a case that in one form or another has been pursued for over a decade. On one side Mayan activists, based in Toledo, have energetically sought to advance their claim to traditional communal land rights, both legally and in the court of public opinion. On the other side the government of Belize, relying largely […]

Sister of escaped prisoner asks him to give up

Five days after four inmates escaped from the Belize Central Prison there has been no word of the young men’s whereabouts. But while authorities continue to look for the wanted convicts, today a close family member of one of the escapees called News Five from the United States to send out a special appeal to […]

Former minister says cabinet altered oil deal…

When an opposition political party calls a press conference and starts talking about scandal in government, the reaction of a seasoned journalist is one of healthy scepticism. But guess what … since the accusations made yesterday by U.D.P. Leader Dean Barrow of high level official favouritism in the awarding of oil exploration contracts, the government […]

…while C.E.O. tries to defend government’s actions

We stated earlier that government has provided no credible rebuttal to the allegations by its political opposition. This morning the press office did send a short press release, however, with instructions to call Ministry of Natural Resources C.E.O. Alan Usher with any questions. And that’s exactly what News Director Stewart Krohn did. We apologise in […]

AIDS activists seek better marketing of condoms

The use of condoms has always been a key factor in efforts to combat H.I.V. and AIDS, but getting people to use the devices is not as easy as you’d think. Norman Garcia, Country Manager, PASMO “Abstinence first and then if you know that it is going to happen then please go ahead and get […]

Revived play hits the stage at Bliss

He’s probably one of the most written about folkloric characters in the Caribbean and this Saturday the mischievous but loveable spider known as Anansi will be showcased on stage at the Bliss Centre for the Performing Arts. The play, entitled Tiga Dead, was written by Governor General Sir Colville Young, is directed by Beverly Swasey, […]