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Home » October, 2007 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2007

Forgetful cops charged with Perjury

Two police officers whose failure to identify a defendant resulted in his acquittal were this morning arraigned before Chief Magistrate Margaret McKenzie. The two officers, forty-six year old Sergeant Anthony Polonio of Halfmoon Avenue, Belmopan, and forty-five year old Constable Darius Ramos of Faber’s Road in Belize City, were interdicted last Friday from active police […]

Two murder trials begin in Supreme Court

In other judicial news, this time in the Supreme Court, twelve jurors were empanelled before Justice Troadio Gonzalez this morning in the murder trial of Elvis Myers. The accused is charged with the Boxing Day, 2005 shooting death of Winfield Slusher Junior in Gales Point. The incident occurred at a bram on the night of […]

18 year old charged with Corozal killing

A teenager has been arrested and charged in connection with last week’s murder of a Corozal man. According to investigators, eighteen year old Arlo Joseph Carter is the person who bludgeoned fifty-five year old Ernesto Riverol to death sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning. Concerned neighbours later discovered Riverol’s body in a pool of […]

Businessman loses cash, gun in robbery

While Corozal police have made an arrest in the Riverol murder, tonight they are still looking for two robbers who stole thousands of dollars in cash and a handgun from a local businessman. Construction supplies retailer Ricardo Gomez has reported that around five-thirty on Friday evening, he was crossing the double lane boulevard that separates […]

Police ask drivers, cyclists, pedestrians to be careful

Tonight, Raul Rodriguez, a resident of Orange Walk Town is a lucky man. This morning he was discharged from the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital after he was knocked off his bicycle around eight on Sunday night by the Mile Eight community on the Western Highway. Although Rodriguez’s bike was damaged extensively we understand that the […]

Second D.F.C. report goes to P.M. Tuesday

Fifteen weeks after her co-chair submitted his report, tonight we understand that Merlene Bailey Martinez will hand deliver her set of findings from the Commission of Inquiry into the Development Finance Corporation to Prime Minister Said Musa tomorrow morning. According to Martinez, “a great weight lifted” when she finally completed her report. And while we […]

Conservation groups criticise de-reservation of park

In the aftermath of the Musa administration’s announcement that it plans to de-reserve almost three thousand acres of land in the Bacalar Chico National Park, local conservationists have been pooling their resources to launch a coordinated campaign to reverse the decision. This afternoon, the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations and the Belize Tourism Industry […]

Japan helps primary school in Santa Martha

As we’ve often pointed out in this newscast, many of the country’s rural schools are badly in need of assistance to improve and expand their facilities. In June 2005, News Five visited Santa Martha village in the Orange Walk district and found the primary school in dire need of new classrooms. Tonight we are pleased […]

Benque and Roots draw in Super League football

James Adderley Good evening, I’m James Adderley and we welcome you to this fresh dish of Sports Monday. We decided to take a closer look at the newly formed Super League of Belize, so we zoomed in on Saturday night’s face off between Benque Viejo D.C. United and the home team Roots F.C. inside the […]